- Work with Red Hat OpenShift
- Deploy multi-container applications
- Work with container images
- Troubleshoot application deployment issues
- Work with image streams
- Work with configuration maps and secrets
- Work with the source-to-image (S2I) framework
- Work with templates
- Work with OpenShift Pipelines
- Bash Enviromnent variables:
vim ~/.bashrc
alias oclogin='oc login ******'
alias podmanlogin="podman login *****'
- VIM config
vim ~/.vimrc
syntax on
set nu
set expandtab
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
branch name:practice1
folder name: nodejs-helloworld
project name: hello-world
application name: hello
# deploy oc new-app --name=hello https://github.com/ozyohthree/DO288-apps#practice1 --context-dir=nodejs-helloworld # check logs oc logs -f bc/hello # check issue python -m json.tool package.json # rebuild after fixing and checking in new package.json fine oc start-build bc/hello # test curl -s https://hello-hello-world*
branch name:source-build
folder name: nodejs-helloworld
project name: greet-proj
application name: greet
Nodejs image: nodejs:16-ubi8
Npm modules registry: http://nexus-infra.apps.ocp4.example.com/repository/npm (use npm_config_registry as the build-env key)
oc new-app --name=hello nodejs:16-ubi8~https://github.com/ozyohthree/DO288-apps#source-build \ --build-env npm_config_registry=http://nexus-infra.apps.ocp4.example.com/repository/npm \ --context-dir=nodejs-helloword # check logs oc logs -f bc/hello # check issue python -m json.tool package.json # rebuild after fixing and checking in new package.json fine oc start-build bc/hello # test curl -s https://hello-hello-world*
EXAMPLE 1: Deploying Applications by Using the oc and odo CLIs
Deploy an application using the new-app command registry: registry.ocp4.example.com:8443/redhattraining/openshift-dev-deploy-cli-weather:1.0 expose the app outside of the cluster name the route resource "weather"
- tip: oc new-app
Deploy the same applictation using odo use the devfile located in ~/DO288/labs/deploy-cli/weather Deploy the application in the odo-deploy-cli project
- tip: odo deploy
EXAMPLE 2: Deploy an application that uses a database
Deploy an internal Postgresql database using the database template in the web console
- Project name: deploy-review
- Database Service Name: postgresql
- PostgreSQL Connection Username: developer
- PostgreSQL Connection Password: test
- PostgreSQL Database Name: todo_list
Use the oc command to deploy the application's container image and create a route
Application Name: todo-list
Application Image: registry.ocp4.example.com:8443/redhattraining/openshift-dev-deploy-review-todo-list
Test application and debug root cause of failure
Redeploy application
Use the oc command to delete all the application objects (tip: use -l app=todo-list)
Use the oc command to deploy the application by adding the DB_PASSWORD=test environmental variable
create the applications's route and test
oc new-app --name=todo-list registry.ocp4.example.com:8443/redhattraining/openshift-dev-deploy-review-todo-list \ --env DB_PASSWORD=test # Add data curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ http://todo-list-deploy-review.apps.ocp4.example.com/todos \ --data '{ "task": "do laundry" }' # retrieve data curl -s \ http://todo-list-deploy-review.apps.ocp4.example.com/todos; echo
Git repo: https://github.com/ozyohthree/spring-petclinic.git
application name: pets
Strategy: Dockerfile
Should be able to redeploy with 'oc start-build'
# build oc new-build https://github.com/ozyohthree/spring-petclinic.git --strategy=docker # check logs oc logs -f bc/spring-petclinic # copy image url from logs to deploy oc new-app image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/spring-petclinic@sha256:thehashvalue # expose the app oc expose svc spring-petclinic # get route and view app in browser
- Chart name: exochart
- Chart image: quay.io/redhattraining/exoplanets:v1.0
- Use the cockroachdb Helm Chart with version 6.0.4 from the repository https://charts.cockroachdb.com/ as the database dependency.
- port: 8080
- Use TLS security
- DB Variables
- Variable Value
- DB_HOST exoplanets-cockroachdb
- DB_PORT 26257
- DB_USER root
- DB_NAME postgres
- project name: planets
- chart name: exoplanets
- Add values file for test environment
Env Pods Memory CPU Limit
Test 5 128Mi 250m
Add label
Environment: test
- Kustomize it
- Kustomize Directory: exokustom
- Use helm template to create base deployment resource
- use test directory for Test Overlay
Env Pods Memory CPU Limit
Test 5 128Mi 250m
Deploy an application with Helm chart
use a separate values file
update a environment specific label via the values file
Deploy uisng templates an application with UI and backend componets
each with a 1 template for building and 1 for deploying https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.12/openshift_images/using-templates.html#using-templates
Create application with
- template: openjdk18-web-basic-s2i
- APPLICATION_NAME=spring-rest
- SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL=https://github.com/redhat-cop/spring-rest.git
oc new-app --template=openjdk18-web-basic-s2i -p APPLICATION_NAME=spring-rest -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL=https://github.com/redhat-cop/spring-rest.git -p CONTEXT_DIR=''
Update tekton pipeline
- EventListener
- Trigger Template
- Trigger Binding
- Trigger
- https://github.com/ozyohthree/pipelines-tutorial