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Creating a new package

Xiaohan Zhang edited this page Dec 12, 2017 · 15 revisions

This document describes how to create and publish a new Blueprint package to npm (e.g. @blueprintjs/core, @blueprintjs/table, etc).

To start, create a new directory in /packages/, e.g. /packages/loremipsum.

Package setup

Copy the following files from the datetime package into the loremipsum package, leaving them untouched:

  • .npmignore
  • karma.conf.js


Copy/paste the package.json from the datetime package and change things accordingly:

  • "name" - "@blueprintjs/loremipsum"
  • "version" - "1.0.0"
  • "description" - enter a short description of the package.
  • "style" - the convention is to use dist/blueprint-loremipsum.css.
  • "unpkg" - dist/loremipsum.bundle.js.
  • "keywords" - keep at least "palantir" and "blueprint", and add other relevant keywords.
  • "dependencies" - make sure to add "@blueprintjs/core" as a dependency to loremipsum - this gives us access to core features. keep/delete other packages as needed (quick note - "tslib" is an easy win that emits smaller bundles; best to leave it in).
  • "peerDependencies" - delete this since core (which is a dependency) specifies the relevant peer deps.

Add a to document the responsibilities of that package - you can probably copy/paste from table or datetime and modify accordingly.

Be aware that the listing uses the README in its UI - for example:


Copy/paste the webpack.config.js from datetime and change things accordingly:

  1. Replace
        entry: {
    -        core: ...
    +        loremipsum: ...
  2. Replace
        output: {
    -       library: ["Blueprint", "Core"],
    +       library: ["Blueprint", "Loremipsum"],


Now we'll setup the src/ folder.

  1. Copy/paste the tsconfig.json, tsconfig.cjs.json, and from datetime. Modify the to suit the new package.
  2. Write your main package export in src/index.ts.
  3. Write your main styles in src/blueprint-loremipsum.scss.

💁 Confirm that things are hooked up by running yarn lerna run compile --scope '@blueprintjs/loremipsum' in the top-level folder.


The only things you really have to do here are:

  1. Create a test/tsconfig.json file (you can copy/paste the datetime one).
  2. Have an index.ts file that imports or otherwise runs all your tests.

💁 Confirm that things are hooked up by running yarn lerna run test --scope '@blueprintjs/loremipsum' in the top-level folder.

blueprint-wide setup

Now that the package itself is setup, there's just a few steps to get it working within the entire Blueprint monorepo.

Firstly, lerna will automatically pick up loremipsum as a package and run commands on it by virtue of it being inside /packages/. You'll now want to add a dev command for it in the top-level /package.json file:

  "scripts": {
+   "dev:loremipusm": "lerna run dev --parallel --scope '@blueprintjs/{core,loremipsum}'",

publishing your new package from CircleCI

Lastly you'll want to modify the CircleCI build script to a) run the package's tests and b) publish the new package. Open up /.circleci/config.yml and make the following changes:

      - persist_to_workspace:
+           - packages/loremipsum/dist

+  test-loremipsum:
+    docker:
+      - image: circleci/node:8
+    steps:
+      - checkout
+      - attach_workspace:
+          at: '.'
+      - restore_cache:
+          key: v1-dependency-cache-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
+      - run: yarn lerna run test --scope '@blueprintjs/loremipsum'

+      - test-loremipsum:
+          requires: [compile-libs]
      - deploy-preview:
+            - test-loremipsum

After that, commit and merge the change, and your new package will be published!

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