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Parallella Ubuntu Image Creation

TODO: We need to remove generated SSH host certificates after we are done

This is work in progress. The goal is to automate as much as possible.

1. Clone the repository

git clone
export WORKSPACE=$(readlink -e parallella-ubuntu)

For all commands issued on PC it is assumed that $WORKSPACE is the current working directory.

2. Format a blank SD Card

sudo gparted
  • Create a 100 MiB FAT32 partition named 'BOOT'
  • Create an 3700 MiB EXT4 partition named 'rootfs' (so the image fits in a 4GB SD card)
  • Apply changes
  • Set 'boot' flag for 'BOOT' partition. (Might not be necessary).

3. Download Ubuntu distribution


[FIXME] 4. Download firmware files for BOOT partition


5. Mount partitions

mkdir -p mnt/{boot,rootfs}
sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 mnt/boot
sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 mnt/rootfs

6. Copy files to SD card

sudo tar --strip-components 1 -xvzpf linaro-trusty-nano-20141024-684.tar.gz -C mnt/rootfs/


tar -zxvf boot-e16-7z020-v01-140528.tgz -C mnt/boot

7. rsync overlays over rootfs

[ TODO: Use tarballs for everything but parallella? ]

sudo rsync -ap overlays/parallella/ mnt/rootfs/
sudo rsync -ap overlays/browndeer-coprthr-1.6.0/ mnt/rootfs/
sudo rsync -ap overlays/openmpi-1.8.3 /mnt/rootfs/

Remove .gitkeep files

find mnt/rootfs -name ".gitkeep" -delete

8. Enable devtmpfs and make SD card accessible from Parallella

sudo ./scripts/

9. Fix file permissions

Currently only ping & ping6 setuid

sudo ./scripts/

[TODO] Do we need to add /dev/dri and /dev/input ???

[TODO] 10. Copy kernel modules over

TODO. Might be a good idea to integrate parallella-root-image.git into this...

11. Unmount uSD card from host computer

sudo umount mnt/rootfs
sudo umount mnt/boot

[TODO] Boot with QEMU instead

12. First boot (with screen/keyboard/mouse or serial port attached)

  • User=linaro
  • Password=linaro

13. Basic setup

Make sure we'll get the latest packages available

sudo apt-get update

Install ssh

sudo apt-get install ssh

Fix time

sudo apt-get install fake-hwclock ntp

Set up mDNS

[TODO We want to script generating a unique hostname based on last 2 bytes in MAC address, e.g, parallella-09ab]

sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon


Reboot so we get sane time.

14. SSH into Parallella from 2nd computer

ssh linaro@linaro-nano.local

Copy skel files:

cp -r /etc/skel/. .

Logout and login again to get new environment:

ssh linaro@linaro-nano.local

13. Copy package and test files over to Parallella from 2nd computer

scp -r packages.basic.txt packages tests linaro@linaro-nano.local:~

15. Install basic packages

sudo apt-get install $(cat packages.basic.txt | grep -v "^#" | sed 's,\s\s*,\n,g' | grep -v "^\s*$ | xargs echo )
sudo dpkg -i $(ls packages | grep -v -- "-dbg_")

16. Run tests

cd tests

for all tests cd into directory and:


16. Remove packages

Try to keep the minimal image minimal.

rm -rf packages*

16. Fix annoying Ubuntu shell defaults

#Replace dash default shell with bash
echo "dash dash/sh boolean false" | sudo debconf-set-selections
sudo -E DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg-reconfigure dash

Installing Epiphany SDK to overlay

This is only needed when a new version is available

mkdir -p overlay/esdk-20XX.YY[.Z]/opt/adapteva
tar xzf esdk.20XX.YY[.Z]_linux_armv7l.tgz -C overlays/esdk.20XX.YY[.Z]/opt/adapteva/
sudo ln -sTfr overlays/esdk.20XX.YY[.Z]/opt/adapteva/esdk.20XX.YY[.Z] overlays/esdk.20XX.YY[.Z]/opt/adapteva/esdk
#sudo ln -s /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ #HACK!
# TODO move to /etc/environment
echo 'setenv EPIPHANY_HOME      /opt/adapteva/esdk' >> ${HOME}/.cshrc
echo 'source ${EPIPHANY_HOME}/setup.csh' >> ${HOME}/.cshrc
echo 'EPIPHANY_HOME=/opt/adapteva/esdk' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
echo '. ${EPIPHANY_HOME}/' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc

30. Setup COPRTHR

Install dependencies

This step is needed only if for some reason were unable to install the .deb packages in packages

[TODO]: Verify that this works

mkdir /var/tmp/builddeb
cd /var/tmp/builddeb
sudo apt-get build-dep libelf libelf-dev libevent libevent-dev libconfig libconfig-dev
sudo apt-get --build source libelf libevent libconfig
sudo dpkg -i $(ls *.deb | grep -v -- "-dbg_")

Copy over .deb packages. We can probably use them throughout the Linaro 14.** series without any problems.

cd ~
rm -rf /var/tmp/builddeb

###Install parallella opencl package This step is only necessary if there is a newer release than 1.6.0 available.

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/browndeer /etc/OpenCL/vendors/coprthr.icd
tar -zxvf coprthr-1.6.0-parallella.tgz
sudo ./browndeer/scripts/
rm -rf coprthr-1.6.0-parallella.tgz browndeer
### Add paths to .bashrc
echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/browndeer/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/browndeer/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >> ~/.bashrc

### Add paths to root .bashrc
sudo su
echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/browndeer/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/browndeer/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >> ~/.bashrc

### Add paths to .cshrc
echo 'setenv PATH /usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.cshrc
echo 'setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/browndeer/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >> ~/.cshrc

31. MPI Installation from source

[Longterm TODO: There's only 1.6 .deb source packages so install from source for now]
This is only necessary if a newer OpenMPI version than 1.8.3 is available

tar -zxvf openmpi-1.8.X.tar.gz
cd openmpi-1.8.X
./configure --prefix=~/usr \
            --enable-mpirun-prefix-by-default \
make all
sudo make install
rm -rf openmpi*

Copy over to overlay

17. Sync the file system and power off the board

shutdown -h now

Remove power.

15. Create minimal headless Parallella backup image (from host)

[TODO] Don't we want same rootfs for everything? Easier maintenance. We could just disable X/LXDE autostart as final step in headless.

Insert micro-sd card into external host

sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=<headless.img> bs=4M

16. Reboot the Parallella (ssh into computer or use as regular desktop)

17. Install desktop packages

####Copy over desktop package list from 2nd computer:

scp packages.desktop.txt linaro@linaro-nano.local:~

SSH into Parallella board from 2nd computer

ssh linaro@linaro-nano.local:~


sudo apt-get install -y $(cat packages.desktop.txt | grep -v "^#" | sed 's,\s\s*,\n,g' | grep -v "^\s*$)

18. Get list of installed packages

dpkg --get-selections > my.packages

22. Purging bad packages

TODO: ISTR I've seen a fix for pulseaudio. It was something with tsched... Longterm TODO: We shouldn't need this

sudo apt-get purge xscreensaver pulseaudio

24. Create ~/.asoundrc config file

Longterm TODO: We shouldn't need to do this

pcm.!default {
 type plug
 slave.pcm "softvol"

pcm.softvol {
 type softvol
 slave {
  pcm "dmixer"
 control {
  name "PCM"
  card 0

pcm.dmixer {
  type dmix
  ipc_key 1024
  slave {
  pcm "hw:0"
  period_time 0
  period_size 1024
  buffer_size 4096
  rate 48000
 bindings {
  0 0
  1 1

ctl.dmixer {
 type hw
 card 0

25. Fix GCONF permission

sudo chown -R linaro:linaro ~/.gconf

26. Trying to solve firefox instability problem

sudo emacs /etc/fstab

tmpfs /home/linaro/.cache tmpfs noatime,nodev,nosuid,size=64M 0 0

In firefox URL window: (about:config) webgl.disabled=true webgl.disable0-extensions=true layers.use-depracated-textures=false browser.cache.disk.enable=false mousewheel.acceleration.start=2

Creating Parallella background:

sudo emacs /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
#add @feh --bg-fill /home/linaro/background.png

28. Customizing the ~/.cshrc

setenv HISTSIZE 1000
setenv EDITOR emacs
set history=2000
set savehist=40

setenv LS_COLORS 'no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;35;01:su=37;41:sg=30;43:tw=30;42\

alias s         'source'
alias e         'emacs'
alias rm        'rm -i'
alias cp        'cp -i -p'
alias mv        'mv -i'
alias ls        'ls --color -p'
alias ll        'ls -ltr'
alias ps        'ps -e'
alias rsh       'rsh -X'
alias less      'less -X'

32. Backing up the complete file system

From Parallella:


From regular computer:

sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=my_backup.img bs=4M

33. Run zerofree

Run zerofree to fill empty space with zeroes so compression of final image can work more efficient.

sudo zerofree my_backup.img

34. Burning another card

Insert a new micro SD card into regular computer

Option#1: Copying the whole image

sudo dd bs=64k if=my_backup.img of=/dev/mmcblk0

Option#2: Copying the rootfs directory structure to the current directory (works in reverse as well)

sudo rsync -a --progress /media/aolofsson/rootfs ./

Known Issues

  • Firefox not 100% stable
  • No serial port access with default Linux kernel.
  • Start wireless with app with 'sudo nm-applet`
  • Define a connection with 'sudo nm-connection-editor'-->disable all things ipv6
#sudo emacs /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManger.conf
#comment out line "dns=dnsmasq"

99. Remove SSH host keys

  • Remove SSH host keys. Will result in SSH regenerates keys on reboot*
rm -rf mnt/rootfs/etc/ssh/ssh_host*

Verify that this line is present in mnt/rootfs/etc/rc.local

test -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key || dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server