GCC & CLANG - The Outstandingly-Designed FLOSS Compilers. They are the essential parts of Alton.
Visual Studio Code - The Popular, Rich, and open-source IDE.
CMake - The Master of the masters of Free compile automation!
Diagrams.net - The Coolest and most flexible Open Source diagram drawer EVER!
Krita - The Freely available, Most Capable, and the Easiest-to-learn, drawing program, from the KDE.
Wikipedia - The Wiki-type documentation collection for nearly everything!
And many other amazing, free, and capable software, like Fish, Konsole, GNU addons to Linux, known as GNU / Linux, etc; not mentioning the programming languages behind the scenes.
You may notice that nearly every software behind the development of Alton is "Libre". The reason for that is:
- Alton supports their user's privacy, and decides not to risk it on some random paid software. I'm looking at you, ICAN.
- Alton likes the idea of Application on the internet, Devs around the world, and
- Alton itself is a FLOSS, so it shall support other FLOSSes.