make global event emitter (+ instantiate(Class) that would register listeners)
disable console - option to completely disable console (to disable leaking)
WebStorm issues:
- terminal escaping
opera, ff - angular
handle - Chrome's script causes too much memory message ?
server -> runner general format, so that it can use different reporter ?)
util.js:24 replace of null
growl notifications ?
jsdom execution
dashboard ? captured client status
file preprocessing
stats - which browsers are captured (expose as html, served by server) dashboard (captured browsers, etc...)
prefetching files (when browser capture)
execution on server as well
pluginability (hookable system) - allow server side module to handle results (allow hookable modules on both server, client sides) hookable events, centralized for easy plugin registration
flexible file loader - which files should be run (wildchars, include/exclude, function ?)
refresh only some files ? (is it possible to be stable ?) ?should we care about dependencies - when reloading, reload all depended files
use framework (module) for static file serving ?
debugging ? breakpoints (node, browser)
make server daemon ?
run on only available clients ? (if one is executing previous run)
using tab instead of iframe, using frames ?
more granularity during execution (continuous info about tests)
allow passing configuration into client (both config, test run params)
interesting modules:
underscore !!! jsdom
graphic: Manuel
check for global state polution ?
allow/ not allow page reload (navigation)
control the configuration from dashboard (change log level for example)
debugging - allow break points from IDE ?
design extensible - allow server/client plugins, passing configuration to plugins (like jasmine - test only last failed)
- disconnects browser during run
- reconnect browser
- disconnect server + reconnect
- all tests passed / failures
- syntax error