Statistic | Definition |
fg_playerID | FanGraphs Player ID |
Name | Player Name |
G | Games Played |
AB | At Bats |
PA | Plate Appearances |
H | Hits |
1B | Singles |
2B | Doubles |
3B | Triples |
HR | Home Runs |
R | Runs Scored |
RBI | Runs Batted In |
BB | Base on Balls (Walks) |
IBB | Intentional Base on Balls (Intentional Walks) |
SO | Strikeouts |
HBP | Hit By Pitch |
SF | Sacrifice Flies |
SH | Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) |
GDP | Grounded into Double Plays |
SB | Stolen Bases |
CS | Caught Stealing |
AVG | Batting Average |
IFFB | Infield Fly Balls |
BB% | Walk Percentage |
K% | Strikeout Percentage |
BB/K | Walk-to-Strikeout Ratio |
OBP | On-Base Percentage |
SLG | Slugging Percentage |
OPS | On-Base Plus Slugging |
ISO | Isolated Power (SLG - AVG) |
BABIP | Batting Average on Balls In Play |
wOBA | Weighted On-Base Average |
wRAA | Weighted Runs Above Average |
wRC | Weighted Runs Created |
Bat | Batting Runs |
Fld | Fielding Runs |
Rep | Replacement Level Runs |
Pos | Positional Adjustment Runs |
RAR | Runs Above Replacement |
Spd | FanGraphs Speed Score |
wRC+ | Weighted Runs Created Plus |
WPA | Win Probability Added |
-WPA | Negative Win Probability Added |
+WPA | Positive Win Probability Added |
RE24 | Base-Out Runs Added |
REW | Base-Out Wins Added |
pLI | Leverage Index |
PH | Pinch Hits |
WPA/LI | Win Probability Added over Leverage Index |
Clutch | Clutch |
BsR | Baserunning Runs |
Def | Defensive Runs Above Average |
wSB | Weighted Stolen Base Runs |
Age Rng | Age Range |
Off | Offensive Runs Above Average |
Lg | League |
TTO% | Three True Outcomes Percentage (HR, BB, SO / PA) |
AVG+ | Adjusted Batting Average |
BB%+ | Adjusted Walk Percentage |
K%+ | Adjusted Strikeout Percentage |
OBP+ | Adjusted On-Base Percentage |
SLG+ | Adjusted Slugging Percentage |
ISO+ | Adjusted Isolated Power |
BABIP+ | Adjusted Batting Average on Balls In Play |
fWAR | FanGraphs Wins Above Replacement (WAR from FanGraphs) |
Statistic | Definition |
fg_playerID | FanGraphs player ID |
Name | Player Name |
W | Wins |
L | Losses |
ERA | Earned Run Average |
fWAR | FanGraphs Wins Above Replacement (WAR from FanGraphs) |
G | Games Played |
GS | Games Started |
CG | Complete Games |
ShO | Shutouts |
SV | Saves |
BS | Blown Saves |
IP | Innings Pitched |
TBF | Total Batters Faced |
H | Hits Allowed |
R | Runs Allowed |
ER | Earned Runs |
HR | Home Runs Allowed |
BB | Walks Allowed |
IBB | Intentional Walks Allowed |
HBP | Hit By Pitch |
WP | Wild Pitches |
BK | Balks |
SO | Strikeouts |
K/9 | Strikeouts per 9 Innings |
BB/9 | Walks per 9 Innings |
K/BB | Strikeout-to-Walk Ratio |
H/9 | Hits per 9 Innings |
HR/9 | Home Runs per 9 Innings |
AVG | Batting Average Against |
WHIP | Walks and Hits per Inning Pitched |
BABIP | Batting Average on Balls In Play |
LOB% | Left On Base Percentage |
FIP | Fielding Independent Pitching |
WPA | Win Probability Added |
Clutch | Clutch |
HLD | Holds |
ERA- | Adjusted Earned Run Average |
FIP- | Adjusted Fielding Independent Pitching |
K% | Strikeout Percentage |
BB% | Walk Percentage |
E-F | Difference between ERA and FIP |
Age Rng | Age Range |
K-BB% | Difference between Strikeout Percentage and Walk Percentage |
kwERA | Expected Earned Run Average |
TTO% | Three True Outcomes Percentage (HR, BB, SO / TBF) |
K/9+ | Adjusted Strikeouts per 9 Innings |
BB/9+ | Adjusted Walks per 9 Innings |
K/BB+ | Adjusted Strikeout-to-Walk Ratio |
H/9+ | Adjusted Hits per 9 Innings |
HR/9+ | Adjusted Home Runs per 9 Innings |
AVG+ | Adjusted Batting Average Against |
WHIP+ | Adjusted Walks and Hits per Inning Pitched |
BABIP+ | Adjusted Batting Average on Balls In Play |
LOB%+ | Adjusted Left On Base Percentage |
K%+ | Adjusted Strikeout Percentage |
Statistic | Definition |
bis_player_id | Player ID |
pick_round | Round Drafted In |
pick_number | Draft Pick Number |
display_pick_number | Draft Pick Number |
round_pick_number | Draft Pick Number (within Draft Round) |
is_drafted | Binary Variable (TRUE, FALSE) |
year | Draft Year |
school_name | Name of School attended when Drafted |
person_id | Player ID |
person_full_name | Draftee's Full Name |
person_first_name | Draftee's First Name |
person_last_name | Draftee's Last Name |
person_primary_number | Draftee's Jersey Number |
person_birth_date | Draftee's Birth Date |
person_current_age | Draftee's current age |
person_birth_city | Draftee's Birth City |
person_birth_state_province | Draftee's Birth State or Province |
person_birth_country | Draftee's Birth Country |
person_height | Draftee's Height |
person_weight | Draftee's Weight (lbs) |
person_active | Draftee's active player status (TRUE/FALSE) |
person_is_player | (TRUE/FALSE) |
person_is_verified | (TRUE/FALSE) |
person_draft_year | Year player was drafted |
person_last_played_date | Date of player's final game |
person_mlb_debut_date | Date of player's debut |
person_name_first_last | Draftee's first and last name |
person_full_fml_name | Draftee's first and last name (comma separated) |
person_full_lfm_name | Draftee's last and first name (comma separated) |
person_strike_zone_top | Coordinates for top of strike_zone for player |
person_strike_zone_bottom | Coordinates for bottom of strike_zone for player |
person_nick_name | Draftee's nickname |
person_primary_position_code | Draftee's position code |
person_primary_position_name | Draftee's position name |
person_primary_position_type | Draftee's primary position type |
person_primary_position_abbreviation | Draftee's primary position abbreviation |
person_bat_side_code | Draftee's batting side code (R/L/S) |
person_bat_side_description | Draftee's batting side (Right/Left/Switch) |
person_pitch_hand_code | Draftee's pitching side code (R/L/S) |
person_pitch_hand_description | Draftee's pitching side (Right/Left/Switch) |
team_all_star_status | |
team_name | Name of team who drafted player |
draft_type_code | Indicator of the draft type |
draft_type_description | |
home_state | Draftee's home state |
school_city | City of the Drafted player's school |
school_country | Country of the Drafted player's school |
mlb_played_first | |
high_school | Indicator if Drafted Player is in high school ("Yes"/"No") |
mlb_played_last | |
made_mlb | Indicator if the player made the MLB (0/1) |
birth_year | Drafted Player's birth year |
less_five_war | Indicator if player had less than 5 career fWAR (0/1) |
five_to_10 | Indicator if player had 5-10 career fWAR (0/1) |
ten_to_15 | Indicator if player had 10-15 career fWAR (0/1) |
fifteen_to_20 | Indicator if player had 15-20 career fWAR (0/1) |
twenty_to_25 | Indicator if player had 20-25 career fWAR (0/1) |
more_than_25 | Indicator if player had greater than 25 career fWAR (0/1) |
yrs_before_debut | Number of years before a drafted player's MLB debut |
time_played | Number of years the drafted player played in the MLB |
debut_age | Drafted Player's age at time of MLB debut |
draft_age | Drafted Player's age at time of MLB Draft |