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:whitespace: ❗ Server etiquette

:firebus: Asking for a certain MR or raid proficiency when recruiting IS NOT OK.
:firebus: Asking for at least 3 veterans to join the raid IS OK, it helps ensure a smooth run.
:firebus: Setting gear requirements for your raid IS OK as long as it's reasonable (for example, it's normal to tell a player they can't join if their only frame is a rank 21 Mag, however kicking someone out because they don't have Primed Flow is NOT).
:firebus: Telling a specific player they can't join due to personal issues IS OK, but keep any resulting drama in PMs.
:firebus: If you are hosting a speedrun, it is normal to have harder gear requirements. It is your responsibility to make sure the group is aware that you are speed running and they are expected to perform better than average.
:firebus: It is always polite to offer your key to the host when joining.
:firebus: It is very helpful to PM the host in-game so he can invite you via right click. Type /w host_IGN hello in the in-game chat.
:firebus: It is ok to use @raid tags as much as you want, whether hosting or looking for group.
:firebus: Please do not join raid channels unless someone posted in #raid-recruitment about hosting a raid and looking for more players. If you are joining, please respond with something like "I'm in" before joining the channel to clarify.

:whitespace: Roles

  • @LoR Veteran : To become one, first complete 30 successful raids, then pm a mod and state that you are willing to help out the new players.
  • @JV Veteran : To become one, you need another TJV vet to vouch that you know how to do the raid (including stage 3 nerves and indefinite spore pushing outside).
  • @Bus Driver : Players who are experienced in all raids and will lead raid buses. If you want to apply, read the instructions below.
  • @Host : Players who have good enough internet and PC and can host 8-man raids.

Some roles can be joined and left by users at any time by typing /rank join somerank or /rank leave somerank in #botspam:

  • @LoR, @LorNM, @JV, @allraids: Mention this roles when recruiting for raids in #raid-recruitment
  • @Host: Players that can host and are looking for a raid
  • @Endo Farm: Only use in #misc-recruitment

:whitespace: Voice Channels

  • Raid channels are for raids only and are freely accessible by everyone
  • RaidBus channels are only accessible by bus drivers, others will have to join the Lobby channel and be dragged in
  • Speed Run channels should only be used for speedruns
  • Chat channels are for general use

Temporary voice channels can be created by anyone by typing one of
/create raid
/create chat
/create speedrun
/create raidbus (only usable with the Active Bus Driver role)
in #botspam or #raid-recruitment. These will create a new channel at the bottom of the voice channel list with your name on it, in the format of "Chat YourName" (or similar if you used a different /create). You can rename or manually delete your own channel, but please keep the prefix in the name (chat/speedrun etc.).
Your channel will self-destruct if it becomes empty for 10 or more seconds.

:whitespace: ❗ Finding or hosting a raid ❗ Follow these steps to join raids ASAP!

  1. Head over to #botspam and join one of the raid roles (@LoR, @LorNM, @JV, @allraids). See above for instructions.

  2. Go to #raid-recruitment and either ping one (or more) of the raid roles or wait for someone else to do the same (you'll get a notification when this happens) For example: @LoR hosting regular LoR, need 5 more. Note that hosting a raid doesn't mean that you need to lead it or use your own key or that you need any kind of experience. Whoever invites people to the in-game lobby is the host, no matter who uses the key.

  3. Once there is enough of you to start a group, pick an open raid channel or create a temporary one and set up in there.

  4. Once you would like to stop getting notifications, head back to #botspam and leave the rank(s) that you joined. Feel free to just keep the rank if you want to always be notified about ongoing raids. They are used for notification purposes only.

:whitespace: ❗ Raid Categories

Groups can be classified into the following 3 distinct categories:

  1. School bus: The main purpose of a bus raid is to teach players that are unfamiliar with the raid being run. Groups are recommended to be comprised of one bus driver that gives out instructions and two veterans that stand by to help teach. These veterans should not be trying to lead or progress the raid without being asked.

  2. Regular raid A relaxed raid with no time goals. The main goal is to enjoy yourself and complete the raid. Don’t get mad when mistakes are made.

  3. Speed run A run with a specific time goal. Searching for rares and other secondary activities are up to the discretion of an assigned leader. These raids can be very stressful and demanding. Do not join them if you are not prepared for this. Speed runs must take place in one of the Speed Run channels

:whitespace: ❗ Become a certified Bus Driver, today!

  1. Make sure you meet the following requirements:

    1. you possess excellent knowledge of all trials (LoR, NM, JV)
    2. you are willing to take the time to spread your knowledge to new players
    3. you are a competent, patient teacher
    4. you have and use a working microphone of decent quality
  2. fill out this google form: and pm a moderator about having done this

  3. Proceed to drive your bus, and make sure there is at least one member with the Trusted User role with you to verify that it went ok. All moderators have that role, and a few other bus drivers as well. If there isn't anyone with that role available, simply be patient until one of them has some free time.