This is a simple tool to dump the content of Trilium's document.db onto filesystem.
It is meant as a last resort solution when the standard mean to access your data (through main Trilium application) fail.
This tool requires node.js, testing has been done on 16.18.0, but it will probably work on other versions as well.
npm install
See output of npx esrun dump.ts --help
dump-db.ts <path_to_document> <target_directory>
dump the contents of document.db into the target directory
path_to_document path to the document.db
target_directory path of the directory into which the notes should be dumped
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--password Set password to be able to decrypt protected notes.[string]
--include-deleted If set to true, dump also deleted notes.
[boolean] [default: false]