A decentralized application that allows people to create a star on the blockchain and fetch the star name based on it's Id.
A decentralized application that allows people to create a star on the blockchain and fetch the star name based on it's Id.
This project uses: - HTML - CSS - SCSS - JS - NodeJS - Webpack - Babel - Truffle
- Truffle version
- OpenZeppelin library version
- ERC-721 Token Name
- ERC-721 Token Symbol
- Token Address
, to view on block explorer, see here
The npm packages need to be installed in the app directory by running
cd app
and then
npm install
Once the installation process has been done, to run the frontend of the project, you can run.
npm run dev
A .secret
file needs to be created at the root of the project with the private key of the account to deploy the contract. This has already been done.
Openzeppelin needs to be installed. This can be done on the root of the project by running:
npm install @openzeppelin/contracts@2.3.0
Also install hdwallet
by running
npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider
To run the truffle development enviroment, run:
truffle develop
To compile the smart contract, within the truffle development environment, run:
To migrate and create a fresh and clean smart contract session, within the truffle development environment, run:
migrate --refresh
To run the test cases within the truffle development environment, run:
I would/ We'd love to have your help in making {this app (StarNotary v2.0)} better. The project is still very incomplete, but if there's an issue you'd like to see addressed sooner rather than later, let me(/us) know.
Before you contribute though read the contributing guide here: Contributing.md
For any concerns, please open an issue, or JUST, fork the project and send a pull request.
- see LICENSE file
- Version 1.0 DATE 10/04/2022
If you have found any bugs, or have any feedback or questions and or want to post a feature request please use the Issuetracker to report them.