{% code title="cms.xml" %}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<cms xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shopware/platform/trunk/src/Core/Framework/App/Cms/Schema/cms-1.0.xsd">
<!-- A unique technical name for your block. We recommend to use a shorthand prefix for your company, e.g. "Swag" for shopware AG. -->
<!-- The category your block is associated with. See the XSD for available categories. -->
<!-- Your block's label which will be shown in the CMS module in the Administration. -->
<label>First block from app</label>
<!-- The label is translatable by providing ISO codes. -->
<label lang="de-DE">Erster Block einer App</label>
<!-- The slots that your block holds which again hold CMS elements. -->
<!-- A slot requires a unique name and a type which refers to the CMS element it shows. Right now you can only use the CMS elements provided by Shopware but at a later point you will be able to add custom elements too. -->
<slot name="left" type="manufacturer-logo">
<!-- The slot requires some basic configuration. The following config-value elements highly depend on which element the slot holds. -->
<!-- The following config-value will be interpreted as "displayMode: { source: "static", value: "cover"}" in the JavaScript. -->
<config-value name="display-mode" source="static" value="cover"/>
<slot name="middle" type="image-gallery">
<config-value name="display-mode" source="static" value="auto"/>
<config-value name="min-height" source="static" value="300px"/>
<slot name="right" type="buy-box">
<config-value name="display-mode" source="static" value="contain"/>
<!-- Each block comes with a default configuration which is pre-filled and customizable when adding a block to a section in the CMS module in the Administration. -->
<!-- The sizing mode of your block. Allowed values are "boxed" or "full_width". -->
<label>Second block from app</label>
<label lang="de-DE">Zweiter Block einer App</label>
<slot name="left" type="form">
<config-value name="display-mode" source="static" value="cover"/>
<slot name="middle" type="image">
<config-value name="display-mode" source="static" value="auto"/>
<config-value name="background-color" source="static" value="red"/>
<slot name="right" type="youtube-video">
<config-value name="display-mode" source="static" value="contain"/>
{% endcode %}