This document explains how you can setup and use BeeDeeM within a Docker container.
It is worth noting that this BeeDeeM image actually contains both BeeDeeM and BeeDeeM-Tools.
Of course, you need to have Docker installed on your system.
We also suppose that you are familiar with docker build and docker run commands.
Note: this BeeDeeM's Dockerfile was made and tested using Docker engine release 20 on macOS Monterey.
Official pre-built images of BeeDeeM are available from Ifremer-SeBiMER Gitlab container repository.
For instance, to get the 5.0.0 release, run this command (isit BeeDeeM container registry to review latest available version of BeeDeeM):
docker pull
docker tag beedeem:5.0.0
to get and rename under beedeem:5.0.0 the combined image of BeeDeeM and BeeDeeM-Tools.
Then, to run the image:
docker run --name beedeem -i -t --rm beedeem:5.0.0 bdm -h
Use this command:
docker build -f Dockerfile -t beedeem_machine .
--> don't forget the final '.' in the cmdline
Use this command:
docker run --name beedeem_machine -i -t --rm beedeem_machine bdm -h
You should see the BeeDeeM command line help.
KL_mirror__path=/path/to/bank_repository <-- (1)
KL_WORKING_DIR=/path/to/work-directory <-- (2)
KL_JRE_ARGS="-Xms128M -Xmx2048M${KL_WORKING_DIR} -DKL_LOG_TYPE=console" <-- (3)
docker run --name beedeem_machine -i -t --rm \
-e \"KL_mirror__path=$KL_mirror__path\" \
-v /path/to/bank/installation:/beedeem-db \
-v /path/to/work/dir:/beedeem-wk \
beedeem_machine <command-line> <-- (4)
(1) where to install banks. Update '/path/to/...' to target your local system.
(2) where to put BeeDeeM logs. Update '/path/to/...' to target your local system.
(3) Arguments to run Java Runtime Environment (BeeDeeM is a Java software)
(4) what to do. See 'Sample use cases', below.
You can review the '" script to look at a working exemple.
1/ install a simple bank:
docker run .../... beedeem_machine bdm install -desc PDB_proteins
Will invoke 'bdm' BeeDeeM script with command 'install'. See BeeDeeM user manual for more details.
2/ install an annotated bank:
docker run .../... beedeem_machine bdm install -desc SwissProt_human
3/ get list of installed banks:
docker run .../... beedeem_machine bdm info -d all -f txt
4/ query a bank to fetch an entry:
docker run .../... beedeem_machine bdm query -d protein -i P31946 -f txt
If it fails, just try this form:
docker run .../... beedeem_machine bdm query protein P31946 txt
In all cases, consult BeeDeeM working directory to check out log files in case command does not work as expected.
This working directory is specified by this 'docker run' argument:
-v /path/to/work/dir:/path/to/work/dir
Which means that BeeDeeM log files can be located on your system within '/path/to/work/dir'.
If needeed, you can tell BeeDeeM to dump logs directly on the console using this command:
docker run .../... -e "KL_LOG_TYPE=console" beedeem_machine bdm install -desc PDB_proteins
Java is pre-configured to use up to 2 Gb RAM. You can change this by adding such an argument to your docker run command:
docker run .../... -e "KL_JRE_ARGS=-Xms128M -Xmx1G" beedeem_machine bdm install -desc PDB_proteins
Tips: ALWAYS redirect appropriately JRE tmp directory to somewhere outside the container! This is the reason why you see a directive in the previous command.
You'll be able to enter into the container, as follows:
- if running: docker exec -it beedeem_machine bash
- if not yet running: docker run --rm -i -t beedeem_machine bash
docker save beedeem-<ver> -o beedem.tar
singularity build beedeem-<ver>.sif docker-archive://beedeem.tar