- Made it possible to use availCov to specify the covariates to be used for the derivation of TOTCOVVAR.
- Changed the default in plotExplainedVar so tha the main effects ordering is based on the mean instead of the median.
- Added the argument reordFun to specify the reordering function for the main effects ordering.
- Added traceplot() and fixed a bug in createFFEMdata().
- Fixed the situation when you have more etas than base thetas, which may occur if you have skipped omegas for etas not associated with thetas.
- Made it possible to omit sigma in fremParameterTable by setting sigmaNum and sigmaLabel to NULL.
- Made it possible to not have ffem OMEGAS in fremParameterTable
Removed the import of an non-public package.
Fixed bug in addFremCovariates.
This release prepares PMXFrem for public release. Some feature additions. bug fixes and much improved documentation (not the least that a majority of the examples in the help files are now executable).
- Added setupdfCovs() fuction that facilitates the creation of the dfCovs for getExplainedVar().
- Moved getForestDFREM() from PMXForest to PMXFrem.
- Added a parameter table function (fremParTable())
- Made parNames mandatory for createFFEMmodel()
- Some harmonization of arguments across functions.
- Added a ':' between the parameter name and the FFEM expression in the output from calcFFEM.
- Added an input check to getExplainedVar() so that dataI and etas must have the same number of rows if type=1
- Fixed the potential issue with misalignment between panels and facet labels in plotExplainedVar().
- Updated unit tests for many functions.
- Extensive updates to the help file documentation.
- Made many examples in the help page documentation directly executable.
- Updated some of the vignettes.
- Linting and other cleaning of source code
- Cleaned up repository directory
- Various other editorial changes.