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A command line tool to detect shared passwords


List options:

Shard (1.5) can run in 3 modes:

1) Single user single password          - Use -u and -p
2) Single user multiple passwords       - Use -u and -f
3) Multiple users and multple passwords - Use -f only

For more detailed usage examples see the wiki.
Usage: java -jar shard-1.5.jar [options]

  -u, --username <value>  Username to test
  -p, --password <value>  Password to test
  -f, --file <value>      A path to a file containing a set of credentials or passwords
  --format <value>        The format of the credentials. Must be a regular expression with 2 capture groups. The first capture group for the username and the second capture group for the password. Defaults to a regex that will match:
  -l, --list              List available modules
  -v, --version           Print the version
  --modules <value>       Only run specific modules. A comma separated list
  --help                  Prints this usage text

List available modules:

$ java -jar shard.jar -l
Available modules:


Given a username and password shard will attempt to authenticate with multiple sites:

$ java -jar shard.jar -u username-here -p password-here
21:16:25.950 [+] Running in single credential mode
21:16:30.302 [+] username-here:password-here - Reddit, Instagram

To test multiple credentials supply a filename. By default this expects one credential per line in the format "username":"password". Custom formats can be supplied with the --format option

$ java -jar shard.jar -f /tmp/creds.txt
21:16:39.501 [+] Running in multi-credential mode
21:16:39.516 [+] Parsed 2 credentials
21:16:42.794 [+] username1:password1 - Reddit, Instagram
21:16:45.189 [+] username2:password2 - Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter


Grab the latest release from the release tab, which was built as a fat jar using sbt assembly.


Build it yourself using sbt, sbt assembly

Developing a new module

Adding a new module is easy. Create a new class that inherits from AbstractModule in the module package and add the module to the ModuleFactory.

The AbstractModule has one abstract method:

  def tryLogin(creds: Credentials): Boolean

This method takes a Credentials object and returns a boolean indicating a successful login. I recommend using the TwitterModule as an template. For an indepth explanation of adding a new module see the example on the wiki


  • JSoup is used for HTTP communication and HTML parsing
  • spray-json is used for handling json

If Scala is not your thing check out the secondary_implementations, these are rewrites of shard in other languages. If you add a module to one of these implementations I will rewrite in Scala and add it to the main project as well.

Bugs, Requests, and Feedback

Contact me, join the Gitter room, or use this GitHub project

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