Releases: phon-ca/phon
Releases · phon-ca/phon
Phon 3.2.1-beta.1
Changes from 3.2.0
- Added inter-transcriber reliability function to Session Editor
Phon 3.2.0
Changes from 3.1.3
- Added simplified Find & Replace UI to Record data view which may be toggled using Record Data menu item and a toolbar button
- Added new Find & Replace menu item to Edit menu of Session Editor to show Record Data view with Find & Replace UI visible
- Added new File -> Open command allowing opening of individual files including:
- Phon session files (.xml)
- TalkBank files (.xml)
- CHAT files (.cha)
- Analysis files (.xml)
- Query files (.xml)
- Query report files (.xml)
- Added new File -> Recent files menu displaying the list of recently opened files.
- Added new Window -> Show project window command when no project window is open for the active session editor window
- Can now open .cha and .xml files in Phon using the 'Open with' context menu in macOS
- Fixed an issue with the input fields of the Find & Replace view
- Updated PhonTalk, added new Import Project and Export Project commands to the
File menu for importing/exporting CHAT (.cha) and TalkBank (.xml) data. - Fixed an issue where the syllabification display would not be wide enough in some situations.
- Added workspace history menu to Workspace window menu
- Recent project menu now displays full path and includes a menu item to clear history
- Updated to Java 15
- PhonShell now uses Rhino JavaScript engine instead of nashorn
- PhonShell scripts may now be opened using the File -> Open menu command
- Moved 'Add aligned groups/words' query/analysis options to new section named 'Additional Tier Data' with new UI for tier selection
- Fixed issues with Analysis Composer when using nested analyses derived from queries
- Added new 'Duplicate' action for items in the Analysis/Report Composer
- Added context menu for table in Analysis/Report Composer
- Added Chineses (cmn and yue) syllabifiers
- Added function to reassign all records for a speaker to another speaker in
the speaker context menu of the Timeline view. Click speaker name in the record
grid to access this menu.
Phon 3.2.0-beta.7
Changes from 3.1.3
- Added simplified Find & Replace UI to Record data view which may be toggled using Record Data menu item and a toolbar button
- Added new Find & Replace menu item to Edit menu of Session Editor to show Record Data view with Find & Replace UI visible
- Added new File -> Open command allowing opening of individual files including:
- Phon session files (.xml)
- TalkBank files (.xml)
- CHAT files (.cha)
- Analysis files (.xml)
- Query files (.xml)
- Query report files (.xml)
- Added new File -> Recent files menu displaying the list of recently opened files.
- Added new Window -> Show project window command when no project window is open for the active session editor window
- Can now open .cha and .xml files in Phon using the 'Open with' context menu in macOS.
- Fixed an issue with the input fields of the Find & Replace view
- Updated PhonTalk, added new Import Project and Export Project commands to the
File menu for importing/exporting CHAT (.cha) and TalkBank (.xml) data. - Fixed an issue where the syllabification display would not be wide enough in some situations.
- Added workspace history menu to Workspace window menu
- Recent project menu now displays full path and includes a menu item to clear history
- Updated to Java 15
- PhonShell now usess Rhino JavaScript engine instead of nashorn
- PhonShell scripts may now be opened using the File -> Open menu command
- Moved 'Add aligned groups/words' query/analysis options to new section named 'Additional Tier Data' with new UI for tier selection
- Fixed issues with Analysis Composer when using nested analyses derived from queries
- Added new 'Duplicate' action for items in the Analysis/Report Composer
- Added conext menu for table in Analysis/Report Composer
- Added Chineses (cmn and yue) syllabifiers
- Added function to reassign all records for a speaker to another speaker in
the speaker context menu of the Timeline view. Click speaker name in the record
grid to access this menu.
Phon 3.1.3
Changes from 3.1.2
- Changed name of PPC analysis to Percent Phones Correct
- Added option to PPC analysis to allow phones marked as distored to be considered correct (PPC-r)
- Update PPC 'report type' options to include onset, coda and nuclei singleton or cluster selection
- Added Percent Diacritics Correct (PDC) analysis
- Added Percent Number Tones Correct (PNTC) analysis
- Added zoom commands to HTNL report preview
- Fixed issue with new phonex syllable matcher and backtracking expressions
- Added new 'Sum columns' setting to manual inventory options
- Fixed check for VLC at launch
- Fixed an issue where changing the report name in analysis setting panel would not update report name in the analysis list (Analysis Composer)
Phon 3.1.2
Changes from 3.1.0
- Improved audio IO with support for wav an aiff/aifc files with the following encodings:
- Alaw
- ulaw
- 12/16/24/32 bit linear
- 32/64 bit float
- Added 'Show media information' command to 'Media' menu of the session editor.
- Updated Multisyllabic Nonlinear Analysis.
- Removed restrictions on corpus/session name length in project manager - allowing use of any valid filename.
- Added text completions for session name field in project manager. Completions are generated from media filenames scanned in media folders for selected corpus.
- Added syllable matcher ('σ' U+03c3) with optional range (e.g., 'σ/O..N/') to phonex. This matcher will match an entire syllable - or the remainder of the current syllable - up to and including syllable positions included in the optional range.
- Improved support for tone numbers in IPA transcriptions.
- Removed 'tone' phonex plug-in.
- Added new 'tn (tone number)' phonex plug-in allowing matching (or not matching) a list of provided tone numbers on individual IPA elements.
- Added PTNC (Percent Tone Number Correct) query to query list in Analysis Composer.
- project.xml file for projects is no longer needed or created in future projects. This file may be safely removed and ignored in file sharing and version control systems. The new .properties file may also be safely ignored in team setups.
Phon 3.1.0
Changes from 3.0.5
- Improved method of opening sessions in blind mode
- Improved method of viewing and selecting project/corpus media folders
- Improved media loading and unloading in Session Editor
- Improved segment playback in Session Editor. Segment playback no longer requires the Speech Analysis view to be open.
- Removed 'Segmentation' view from Session Editor. Segmentation is now performed using the new 'Timeline' view.
- Added new 'Timeline' view which displays the audio waveform along with record data on a horizontal timeline. This view allows access to
Segmentation functions as well as allowing easy manipulation of record segment times. - Updated 'Speech Analysis' view with improved waveform and timebar components.
- Diacritic selection has been added to all query reports and analyses which use the 'ignore diacritics' option.
- Improved method of setting up global overrides in query and report wizard
Other changes:
- Fix age comparisons for participants in query forms. Ages are now normalized before comparison (e.g., 01;04.00 is equal to 00;16.00)
- Added validation to age fields in query forms
- Record speaker will now change as expected when using 'replace' mode with segmentation
- Fix bugs with Specialized/Multisyllabic Nonlinear Analysis
- Updated English-NA (eng) dictionary
- Added Cantonese (yue) dictionary
- Added Mandarin (cmn) dictionary
- Fixed Phone Inventory analysis for IPA Actual elements
- Fixed an issue where compound phone characters were reversed in reports when ignoring diacritics.
- Update libjpraat to version 6.0.52
- Updated WAP analysis with improved definition of distortions.
- Added status background images for media player
- Can now click media player to toggle play/pause
- Drag and drop files onto media player to assign media to session
- Added menu items for assigning media, un-assigning media, and generating session audio file to Session menu in editor
- Improved media prompts (banners) in session editor
Phon 3.0.5
Changes from 3.0.4
- Fixed an issue where reports containing elements from the praat-plugin were not loading after saving the custom report to disk
- Updated Italian (ita) dictionary
- Added summary tables to PMLU analysis
Phon 3.0.4
Changes from 3.0.3
- Query and Report Wizard
- Query history is now displayed as a drop-down list
- Improved method of saving/exporting queries
- Clicking 'New window' will now show an exact copy of the current query (including parameters)
- Queries saved in user/project libraries or exported to disk now correctly link to the proper stock query
- Saved/exported queries now display the correct query history and named query lists
- Query results are now displayed in a split panel under the session selection view.
- Query results window will now open in proper location
- Stop button will now appear in the breadcrumb when executing queries
- Text for the next button now clearly indicates the next action
- Simplified and improved query window menu
- Add new 'Send to Analysis Composer' action allowing the current query and report settings to be added to a new or existing custom analysis
- Removed 'allow overlapping matches' from phonex options in forms
- Queries imported into analyses using the Analysis Composer from the user/project libraries will now work correctly
- Analysis composer now allows for setup of custom query reports
- Fixed behaviour of scrollbars in query forms.
- Folder names for reports and queries have been changed:
- Query folder name has been changed from 'script' to 'query'
- Report folder name has been changed from 'reports' to 'report'
- Enabled 'Export as Excel' button in Session to HTML wizard
- Result Listing sections may now be selected in the 'Export tables' dialog when exporting as Excel
- Record and result links now work in the Result Listing sections of query reports
- Session selector now displays scrollbars when needed in Session Check wizard
- Windows binaries are now signed
- Fixed an issue where SendPraat was blocked on Windows if not running as administrator
- Merged participant summary tables in Phonological Process analyses
- Session Check is now available from the 'View' menu in the session editor (instead of the 'Session' menu.)
- Changed format of phon version numbers
Phon 3.0.3
Changes from 3.0.2
- Added new 'Session Check' wizard available via the 'Project' window menu. The new wizard incorporates and replaces the older 'Check Transcriptions' wizard.
- Improvments to phone alignment
- Removed JavaFX dependency
- HTML reports are now displayed using JxBrowser
- New preferences panel for Query and Report wizard
- Added menu items for named queries to Query menu
- Added 'Go to' menu for the Report menu allowing navigation to sections in the report.
- Added 'Open report in browser' menu item
- Added context menu for HTML reports
- Query wizards may now be opened for multiple projects
- Fixed a regression bug with acoustic data reports
- TextGrid view now uses the font Charis SIL Compact
- Improved workflow of wizard dialogs
Phon 3.0.2
Changes from 3.0.1
- Updated to Java 11
- Updated Consonants analysis
- Added 'Phone Accuracy' query report
- Improved options for Session to HTML wizard
- Updated Ewe (ewe) transliteration dictionary
- Added Turkish (tur) transliteration dictionary
- Added 'zoom' control to Composer (advanced)
- Automatic transcription will not overwrite unvalidated values
- Fixed an issue with matching back refrences at the end of transcripts
- Application should now exit when selecting 'Close all windows' from the Windows taskbar
- Reconfigured application package directory structure
- Greatly improved page load time of reports
- Improved table of contents (ToC) menu
- Moved ToC to right hand side of report
- Renamed query reports
- Added new query report 'Listing by Session' which prints results organized by session and record. Tier data may also be included.
- Added a 'New window' function to query wizard