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2021 PhysiCell Workshop and Hackathon Agenda

This is the official, full agenda for the 2021 PhysiCell Workshop and Hackathon.

last updated: Sunday, July 18, 2021

Events marked "E" are exclusive to accepted participants. All others are publicly accessible. Wherever possible, we will post full slides and video recordings for all sessions.

Pre-Workshop Activities

Set up PhysiCell

Read and follow the appropriate guide for your operating system, found at:

Linux users can most likely skip setup g++ and Python setup, but should download PhysiCell 1.9.0 to test that they can compile and run the sample projects. See either the Windows or MacOS guide for details.

We will continue to hold virtual office hours for testing your setup as noted in the workshop email. You can also get setup help in our dedicated Slack workspace.

Join the PhysiCell slack workspace

We use a dedicated Slack workspace for annoucements, troubleshooting, and other (asynchronous) community activities. Join at:

Join the GatherTown space (E)

We will use GatherTown as our virtual conference space, particularly to help navigate between zoom rooms for the virtual hackathon and breakout sessions. Details sent by email to full participants.

Watch Session 0: Introduction to agent-based modeling and PhysiCell (approx 40 min)

Watch Session 1: Working with Projects in PhysiCell (approx 20 min)

Friday, July 25 (2:00-3:30 pm US Eastern Time)

Virtual Social I (Optional) (E)

Introduce yourself and meet your fellow participants in this virtual social.

Please prepare your 4 minute mini introduction using this template

Sunday, July 25 (4:00-5:30 pm US Eastern Time)

Virtual Social II (Optional) (E)

Introduce yourself and meet your fellow participants in this virtual social.

Please prepare your 4 minute mini introduction using this template

Monday, July 26: Day 1 (All times US Eastern)

11:00-11:15. Welcome and Introduction (E)

Welcome participants, give the overall format, and discuss goals for the week.

11:15-12:15. Session 2: First PhysiCell Dive

Give an introduction to modeling with PhysiCell using built-in sample projects, including basic data visualization and data access in Jupyter notebooks.

12:15-13:00. Break

Take a virtual coffee break in GatherTown to mix and meet with your fellow participants.

13:00-13:45. Session 3: Introduction to Cell Phenotype in PhysiCell (Part 1).

Learn about cell phenotype in PhysiCell. Modulating cell phenotype in response to microenvironmental and other signals is key to agent-based modeling in PhysiCell.

13:45-14:00. Break

Take a virtual coffee break in GatherTown to mix and meet with your fellow participants.

14:00-14:45. Session 4: Introduction to Cell Phenotype in PhysiCell (Part 2).

Learn about cell phenotype in PhysiCell. Modulating cell phenotype in response to microenvironmental and other signals is key to agent-based modeling in PhysiCell.

14:45-15:30. Break

Take a virtual coffee break in GatherTown to mix and meet with your fellow participants.

15:30-17:00. Session 5: A complete example (interactive)

Work through a complete modeling example from start to finish. This session will focus on defining multiple cell definitions in a model of clonal competition in a tumor. This model can be built completely through XML markup via a graphical interface with no additional C++.

17:00-17:15. Break

Take a virtual coffee break in GatherTown to mix and meet with your fellow participants.

17:15-17:50. Brainstorming Round 1 (E)

Start brainstorming for hackathon projects with your fellow workshop participants.

17:50-18:00. Day 1 wrap-up (E)

Discuss the day's progress and set the stage for Day 2.

18:00-19:00. (Optional) (E).

Please use GatherTown to continue getting to know your fellow participants.

Asynchronous. Session 6: Introduction to Custom Variables, Parameters, and C++ searches

Learn about how to work with custom cell variables and user parameters. Learn how to search for and access custom variables, user parameters, cell definitions, and microenvironment substrates from within C++ in a PhysiCell project.

To reduce Zoom fatigue sessions like this have been moved to asynchronous to watch at your own convenience. Please watch prior to the start of synchronous Day 2 activities.

Tuesday, July 27: Day 2 (All times US Eastern)

Asynchronous. Session 6: Introduction to Custom Variables, Parameters, and C++ searches

Learn about how to work with custom cell variables and user parameters. Learn how to search for and access custom variables, user parameters, cell definitions, and microenvironment substrates from within C++ in a PhysiCell project.

To reduce Zoom fatigue sessions like this have been moved to asynchronous to watch at your own convenience. Please watch prior to the start of synchronous Day 2 activities.

11:00-11:10. Welcome and Day's Goals (E)

Discuss the day's goals.

11:10-12:30. Session 7: Functions in PhysiCell

Learn how to write custom C++ cell functions in PhysiCell, and use them to write dynamical cell phenotype that varies with microenvironmental conditions. This is the basis for turning your cell biological hypotheses into agent rules that can dynamicaly change cell phenotype in response to signals.

12:30-13:00. Break

Take a virtual coffee break in GatherTown to mix and meet with your fellow participants.

13:00-14:00. Session 8: Chemical Communication in PhysiCell

Learn how to use diffusible signals for chemical communication and coordination between cell agents.

14:00-14:15. Break

Take a virtual coffee break in GatherTown to mix and meet with your fellow participants.

14:15-14:30. Summary of Day 1 Brainstorming (E)

We will present clustering of main ideas generated in Round 1 brainstorming to prepare for continued project brainstorming.

14:30-15:00. Brainstorming Round 2 (E)

Continue to generate and refine project ideas.

15:00-15:30. Present Brainstorming Round 2 (E)

Briefly summarize the refined brainstorming for each group.

15:30-16:00. Break

Take a virtual coffee break in GatherTown to mix and meet with your fellow participants.

16:00-16:40. Team Formation Round 1 (E)

Start forming teams for your hackathon project.

16:40-17:10. Team Report Rond 1 (E)

Briefly summarize team formation results.

17:10-17:20. Break

Take a virtual coffee break in GatherTown to mix and meet with your fellow participants.

17:20-17:50. Team Formation Round 2 (E)

Continue forming teams for the hackathon projects.

17:50-18:00. Day 2 wrap-up (E)

Discuss the day's progress and set the stage for Day 3.

18:00-19:00. (Optional) (E).

Please use GatherTown to continue getting to know your fellow participants.

Asynchronous. Session 9: Contact testing and pressure.

Learn about testing for cell-cell contact and pressure in PhysiCell C++ projects

To reduce Zoom fatigue sessions like this have been moved to asynchronous to watch at your own convenience. Please watch prior to the start of synchronous Day 3 activities.

Wednesday, July 28: Day 3 (All times US Eastern)

Asynchronous. Session 9: Contact testing and pressure.

Learn about testing for cell-cell contact and pressure in PhysiCell C++ projects

To reduce Zoom fatigue sessions like this have been moved to asynchronous to watch at your own convenience. Please watch prior to the start of synchronous Day 3 activities.

9:30-10:30. PhysiBoSS enables multiscale simulations of signalling pathways (Optional)

Arnau Montagud (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) will present a tuturial on PhysiBoSS: the first official PhysiCell plug-in, which supports Boolean signaling models (via MaBoSS) in PhysiCell agents.

11:00-11:10. Welcome and Day's Goals (E)

Discuss the day's goals.

11:10-12:00. Session 10: Contact examples

Explore coding examples that use cell-cell contacts, including a "predator-prey" example and a "worm" example.

12:00-12:15. Break

Take a virtual coffee break in GatherTown to mix and meet with your fellow participants.

12:15-13:15. Session 11: Intracellular Modeling Part 1 (interactive)

Learn how to write intracellular models (systems of ODEs) in cancer cell agents. Work through a cancer metabolism example.

13:15-13:30. Break

Take a virtual coffee break in GatherTown to mix and meet with your fellow participants.

13:30-15:00. Session 12: Intracellular Modeling Part 2 (interactive)

Learn how to write intracellular models (systems of ODEs) in cancer cell agents. Work through a cancer metabolism example.

15:00-15:45. Break

Take a virtual coffee break in GatherTown to mix and meet with your fellow participants.

15:45-16:45. Team Time 1 (E)

Work with your team on your project in GatherTown / Zoom breakout. Work on brief presentations of your team's plans

17:00-17:50. Cross-Pollination: Team Brief Presentations (E)

Briefly present your team's plan and get feedback from workshop participants.

17:50-18:00. Day 3 wrap-up (E)

Discuss the day's progress and set the stage for Day 3.

18:00-19:00. (Optional) (E).

Please use GatherTown to continue getting to know your fellow participants.

Asynchronous. Session 13: Sharing PhysiCell models on nanoHUB

Learn about sharing PhysiCell models as cloud-hosted, "zero-install" models on nanoHUB.

To reduce Zoom fatigue sessions like this have been moved to asynchronous to watch at your own convenience. Please watch prior to the start of synchronous Day 3 activities.

Thursday, July 29: Day 4 (All times US Eastern)

Asynchronous. Session 13: Sharing PhysiCell models on nanoHUB

Learn about sharing PhysiCell models as cloud-hosted, "zero-install" models on nanoHUB.

To reduce Zoom fatigue sessions like this have been moved to asynchronous to watch at your own convenience. Please watch prior to the start of synchronous Day 3 activities.

11:00-17:00. Team Time (E)

Work with your team in GatherTown / Zoom.

17:00-19:00. Presenet Preliminary Results (E)

Share your team's preliminary results in GatherTown / Zoom.

19:00-24:00. (Optional) (E).

Please use GatherTown to continue getting to know your fellow participants.

Friday, July 30: Day 5 (All times US Eastern)

11:00-16:00. Team Time (E)

Work with your team in GatherTown / Zoom. Schedule breaks on your own as needed.

16:00-18:00. Day 5 wrap-up (E)

Discuss the day's progress and set the stage for group presentations.

18:00-19:00. (Optional) (E).

Please use GatherTown to continue getting to know your fellow participants.

Saturday, July 31: Final Presentations (All times US Eastern)

Brielfy present your team's project results for the community and for consideration for prizes. Detailed schedule TBA.

30 minute presetation, with 10 minutes of Q&A.

Presentation templates:

Adapt as you see best:

11-11:40 Team 1 presentation (E)

11:40-12:20 Team 3 presentation (E)

12:20-13:00 Team 4 presentation (E)

13:00-14:00 BREAK

14:00-14:40 Team 5 presentation (E)

14:40-15:20 Team 6 presentation (E)

15:20-16:00 Team 7 presentation (E)

16:00-16:40 Team 8 presentation (E)

16:40-17:10 Judging (organizers)

17:10-17:30 Announce winners and farewell (E)