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treelinelabs edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 122 revisions

Feature requests, like bugs, belong at Lighthouse. This page is here for purely historical reasons. If you once had a feature request here, and it is still alive, it is at Lighthouse.

Open Ideas

  • Also, show me a list of `git branch —contains 123` output while I’m viewing commit 123, right under the list of Parent commits.
  • External diff shortcut (either keyboard, menu or both) which opens an external diff tool (probably opendiff / FileMerge by default). [pschella]
  • When viewing the history of a single file, allow diffing of non-consecutive commits by selecting two commits in the History View. – [jzinn]
  • Track changes to the folders/files in the repository (using fsevents or kqueue) and do a “refresh” in response to them. – [uliwitness]
  • honor the “commit.template” config variable
  • Magic Mouse 2-fingered swipe for next/previous commit in history view (like for next/previous email in Mail inbox). Make sure it works for 3-fingered swipes on a MacBook, too. – [rwest]
  • Make GitX keyboard navigatable. – niko; +1 from josh and cypok
    (As far as I can tell) these shortcuts are missing:
    • In ‘History’ view: switching panes
    • In ‘Commit’ view: switching panes, staging files, unstaging files
      • In the “Unstaged changes for #{file}” view: selecting hunks, staging hunks, unstaging hunks
      • Cmd-Return or similar invokes the Commit action

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