- Wraps and extends go flag.FlagSet
to build simple command line applications
- Supports auto-rendering of pretty help messages
- Allows adding short options to flag options, and multiples
- Allows binding named arguments
- Allows setting arguments or options as required
- Allows setting validators for arguments or options
go get
Examples, code please see _example/cmd.go
package main
import (
var opts = struct {
age int
name string
str1 string
lOpt string
bol bool
// go run ./_example/cmd.go
// go run ./cflag/_example/cmd.go -h
// go run ./cflag/_example/cmd.go --name inhere --lo val ab cd
func main() {
c := cflag.New(func(c *cflag.CFlags) {
c.Desc = "this is a demo command"
c.Version = "0.5.1"
c.IntVar(&opts.age, "age", 0, "this is a int option;;a")
c.StringVar(&, "name", "", "this is a string option and required;true")
c.StringVar(&opts.str1, "str1", "def-val", "this is a string option with default value;;s")
c.StringVar(&opts.lOpt, "long-opt", "", "this is a string option with shorts;;lo")
c.AddArg("arg1", "this is arg1", true, nil)
c.AddArg("arg2", "this is arg2", true, nil)
c.Func = func(c *cflag.CFlags) error {
cliutil.Magentaln("hello, this is command:", c.Name())
cliutil.Infoln("option.age =", opts.age)
cliutil.Infoln(" =",
cliutil.Infoln("option.str1 =", opts.str1)
cliutil.Infoln("option.lOpt =", opts.lOpt)
cliutil.Infoln("arg1 =", c.Arg("arg1").String())
cliutil.Infoln("arg2 =", c.Arg("arg2").String())
cliutil.Infoln("remain args =", c.RemainArgs())
return nil
// c.MustParse(os.Args[1:])
Bind arguments:
c.AddArg("arg1", "this is arg1", true, nil)
c.AddArg("arg2", "this is arg2", true, nil)
Get arguments by name:
cliutil.Infoln("arg1 =", c.Arg("arg1").String())
cliutil.Infoln("arg2 =", c.Arg("arg2").String())
Options can be set as required
, and short option names can be set.
TIPs: Implements
by extendingusage
with options parsed
- format1:
- format2:
- required: a bool string. mark option is required
- True:
- False:
- True:
- shorts: shortcut names for option, allow multi values, split by comma
// set option 'name' is required
c.StringVar(&, "name", "", "this is a string option and required;true")
// set option 'str1' shorts: s
c.StringVar(&opts.str1, "str1", "def-val", "this is a string option with default value;;s")
go run ./cflag/_example/cmd.go -h
go run ./cflag/_example/cmd.go --name inhere -a 12 --lo val ab cd
go run ./cflag/_example/cmd.go --name inhere -a 12 --lo val ab cd de fg
go run ./cflag/_example/cmd.go -a 22
go run ./cflag/_example/cmd.go --name inhere
Use cflag
to quickly build a multi-command application.
package main
import (
var c1Opts = struct {
age int
name string
var c2Opts = struct {
str1 string
lOpt string
bol bool
// go run ./_example/app.go
// go run ./cflag/_example/app.go -h
// go run ./cflag/_example/app.go demo -h
func main() {
app := cflag.NewApp()
app.Desc = "this is my cli application"
app.Version = "1.0.2"
// go run ./cflag/_example/app.go demo --name inhere --age 333 val0 val1
c1 := cflag.NewCmd("demo", "this is a demo command")
c1.OnAdd = func(c *cflag.Cmd) {
c.IntVar(&c1Opts.age, "age", 0, "this is a int option;;a")
c.StringVar(&, "name", "", "this is a string option and required;true")
c.AddArg("arg1", "this is arg1", true, nil)
c.AddArg("arg2", "this is arg2", false, nil)
c1.Func = func(c *cflag.Cmd) error {
dump.P(c1Opts, c.Args())
return nil
// Multiple commands can be added
go run ./cflag/_example/app.go -h
go run ./cflag/_example/app.go demo --name inhere --age 333 val0 val1