Provides a simple and convenient filedir lookup function,
supports filtering, excluding, matching, ignoring, etc.
and with some commonly built-in matchers.
package main
import (
func main() {
ff := finder.NewFinder()
ff.AddScan("/tmp", "/usr/local", "/usr/local/share")
ff.ExcludeDir("abc", "def").ExcludeFile("*.log", "*.tmp")
ss := ff.FindPaths()
func FileSize(min, max uint64) MatcherFunc
func GlobMatch(patterns ...string) MatcherFunc
func GlobMatches(patterns []string) MatcherFunc
func HumanModTime(expr string) MatcherFunc
func HumanSize(expr string) MatcherFunc
func MatchDotDir() MatcherFunc
func MatchDotFile() MatcherFunc
func MatchExt(exts ...string) MatcherFunc
func MatchExts(exts []string) MatcherFunc
func MatchModTime(start, end time.Time) MatcherFunc
func MatchMtime(start, end time.Time) MatcherFunc
func MatchName(names ...string) MatcherFunc
func MatchNames(names []string) MatcherFunc
func MatchPath(subPaths []string) MatcherFunc
func MatchPaths(subPaths []string) MatcherFunc
func MatchPrefix(prefixes ...string) MatcherFunc
func MatchPrefixes(prefixes []string) MatcherFunc
func MatchSuffix(suffixes ...string) MatcherFunc
func MatchSuffixes(suffixes []string) MatcherFunc
func NameLike(patterns ...string) MatcherFunc
func NameLikes(patterns []string) MatcherFunc
func RegexMatch(pattern string) MatcherFunc
func SizeRange(min, max uint64) MatcherFunc
func StartWithDot() MatcherFunc