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PicoSystem MicroPython

MicroPython is a great way for beginners to get a feel for PicoSystem.

Play with audio beeps and boops via the REPL, and get a simple game running with minimal boilerplate.

Get the latest release

Go to the GitHub releases page to find the latest release of PicoSystem MicroPython.

  • Scroll down and download the .uf2 file. eg: "picosystem-v0.1.0-micropython-v1.17.uf2"
  • Connect your PicoSystem to your computer.
  • Hold X while powering on your PicoSystem to enter bootloader mode.
  • Copy the .uf2 file (linked below) onto the "RPI-RP2" directory that appears.

Function Reference


Every PicoSystem MicroPython application must have the following basic form:

def update(tick):

def draw(tick):


The update function is where your game logic goes. draw is responsible for drawing your game world to the screen. Call start() to signal to PicoSystem that it should start cranking the game engine.

In your update function you can optionally call quit() to break out of the game loop.

Just Dabbling

If you're just exploring on the REPL, call flip() to display your changes and update input.

Try it:

>>> pen(0, 0, 0)
>>> clear()
>>> pen(15, 15, 15)
>>> text("Hello World")
>>> flip()

If you find things not working as expected on the REPL, reset your pen, cursor, camera, clip, and alpha like so:

>>> pen();cursor();camera();clip();alpha()


  • pen(number), pen(r, g, b) or pen(r, g, b, a) - set the drawing colour
  • pen() - reset the drawing colour to white (15, 15, 15, 15)
  • clip(x, y, w, h) - set the clipping region (drawing outside this region is ignored)
  • clip() - reset the clipping region to the drawing target size (0, 0, 120, 120 if SCREEN)
  • blend(COPY / ALPHA / MASK) - set the blend mode
  • blend() - reset the blend mode (ALPHA)
  • target(Buffer) - set a Buffer to draw into
  • target() - reset the draw target to SCREEN
  • camera(x, y) - set the camera location
  • camera() - reset the camera location (0, 0)
  • cursor(x, y) - set the text cursor
  • cursor() - reset the text cursor (0, 0)
  • spritesheet(Buffer) - set the spritesheet
  • spritesheet() - reset the spritesheet to the builtin default


  • clear() - clear to pen
  • pixel(x, y) - single pixel
  • rect(x, y, w, h) - rectangle
  • frect(x, y, w, h) - filled rectangle
  • circle(x, y, r) - circle
  • fcircle(x, y, r) - fcircle
  • ellipse(x, y, rx, ry) - ellipse
  • fellipse(x, y, rx, ry) - fellipse
  • line(x1, y1, x2, y2) - line from xy1 to xy2
  • hline(x, y, length) - horizontal line starting from xy, length in pixels
  • vline(x, y, length) - vertical line starting from xy, length in pixels
  • poly((x, y), (x, y), (x, y)) - polygon (supply points as tuples)
  • fpoly((x, y), (x, y), (x, y)) - filled polygon (supply points as tuples)
  • text(message) - message at cursor position
  • text(message, wrap) - message at cursor position, text will be wrapped on word boundaries if it exceeds wrap width in pixels
  • text(message, x, y) - message at xy
  • text(message, x, y, wrap) - message at xy, text will be wrapped on word boundaries if it exceeds wrap width in pixels
  • sprite(i, x, y) - draws sprite from current spritesheet at xy
  • sprite(i, x, y, cx, cy) - draws a rectangle of sprites from current spritesheet at xy, cx sprites across and cy sprites down
  • sprite(i, x, y, cx, cy, dw, dh) - draws a rectangle of sprites from current spritesheet at xy, cx sprites across and cy sprites down, scaled to a rectangle dw by dh pixels
  • sprite(i, x, y, cx, cy, dw, dh, flags) - draws a rectangle of sprites from current spritesheet at xy, cx sprites across and cy sprites down, scaled to a rectangle dw by dh pixels, flags can be any combination of HFLIP and VFLIP
  • blit(Buffer, x, y, w, h, dx, dy) - blit a portion of a Buffer to dx,dy
  • blit(Buffer, x, y, w, h, dx, dy, dw, dh) - blit a portion of a Buffer to dx,dy stretching to dw,dh


  • pressed(A / B / X / Y / UP / DOWN / LEFT / RIGHT) - True if the button has been pressed since the last frame.
  • button(A / B / X / Y / UP / DOWN / LEFT / RIGHT) - True if the button is pressed


A Buffer contains an image or spritesheet in the screen pixel format (16bit AAAARRRRGGGGBBBB).

You can draw to a Buffer using all the regular drawing operations, or draw a Buffer to the screen with blit().

  • my_buffer = Buffer(width, height) - create a new Buffer
  • open(filename, "rb").readinto(my_buffer) - read an image into a Buffer
  • target(my_buffer) - set your Buffer as the draw target
  • target() - set the screen as the draw target

When target() is set to a Buffer, calling clip() will reset the clipping region to the size of the targeted Buffer.

Advanced Text Formatting

PicoSystem's text() function has some special escape sequences:

  • \\penRGBA - set the text colour to RGBA, eg red is: \\penF00F
  • \\spr000 - draw a sprite in-line with text, eg a leaf: \\spr007

Useful Bits 'n' Bobs

  • rgb(r, g, b) or rgb(r, g, b, a) - return a new colour (16bit number)
  • hsv(hue, sat, value) - convert from HSV to RGB and return a colour (16bit number)
  • intersects(x, y, w, h, cx, cy, cw, ch) - check if two rectangles intersect
  • ix, iy, iw, ih = intersection(x, y, w, h, cx, cy, cw, ch) - return the intersection between two rectangles
  • contains(x, y, cx, cy, cw, ch) - check if a rectangle cxywh contains point xy

Recipes & Common Usage Patterns

Loading a spritesheet

You can use open(filename, "rb").readinto(Buffer) to load one of the supplied .16bpp spritesheet files, like so:

my_sprites = Buffer(128, 128)
open("spritesheet.16bpp", "rb").readinto(my_sprites)

Build from source

These steps mirror those in the GitHub actions workflow:

A customised version of MicroPython is required, since PicoSystem uses some hacks that have not yet been tidied and submitted upstream.

Clone PicoSystem (if you have not already done so):

git clone

Clone MicroPython and fetch the submodules (note you must use the experimental/picosystem branch for now, this is subject to change):

git clone
cd micropython
git submodule update --init

Build mpy-cross:

cd ../../mpy-cross

Navigate to the RP2 port:

cd ../ports/rp2


You must build against the PicoSystem set of USER_C_MODULES and use the PIMORONI_PICOSYSTEM board directory. These can be specified when configuring MicroPython, like so:

cmake -S . -B build-picosystem -DPICO_BUILD_DOCS=0 -DUSER_C_MODULES=../../../picosystem/micropython/modules/micropython.cmake -DMICROPY_BOARD_DIR=../../../picosystem/micropython/PIMORONI_PICOSYSTEM


cmake --build build-picosystem

If you see an error about pio headers, don't dispair, just build again. There's some kind of race condition here.


cp build-picosystem/firmware.uf2 /path/to/RPI-RP2/