Show how works a replicaSet resource
- Display replicaSet definition
cat replica_set.yaml
- Create the replicaSet resource with 3 replicas
kubectl create -f replica_set.yaml
- List the replicaSets created
kubectl get rs
- See resource description
kubectl describe rs/my-awesome-app
- Kill a pod of replicaSet and see how creates a new one
kubectl delete po <POD_NAME>
- Use horizontal auto scaling
kubectl get po -o wide
ssh core@<NODE_IP> -L 8080:<POD_CLUSTER_IP>:8080
kubectl autoscale rs my-awesome-app --min=1 --max=6
kubectl get hpa
while true; do
curl -s http://localhost:8080 > /dev/null;
kubectl get hpa
- Delete replicaset
kubectl delete rs my-awesome-app