Version 1.6.0 - released 21 July 2017
- Update project to work with Ionic new CLI by adding the following devDependencies:
- "@ionic/cli-plugin-gulp": "1.0.2"
- "@ionic/cli-plugin-ionic1": "2.0.1"
- rename ionic.project for ionic.config.json
- removed views.js file and its references
Version 1.5.1 - released 19 December 2016
- Changed line 89 in app.js from: token = data.registrationId; to for token = data;
Version 1.5 - released 29 August 2016
- Fixed Push notifications!
- Update gulp-sass to latest Version
- Fixed issues related to wordpress login and wordpress queries
Version 1.4 - released 21 April 2016
- Update Ionic Version to v.1.2.4
- Update ngcordova
- Update gulp-sass to latest Version
- Added parameter insecure=cool to solve Wordpress SSL (The latest version of JSON API USER plugin requires https protocol for user authentication. In case you don’t have SSL installed and/or still want to use http protocol, please pass insecure=cool in your request like this)
Version 1.3 - released 8 August 2015
- Improved and ease build process
- Update Ionic Version to v.1.0.1
- Update cordova plugins
- Update ngcordova
- Added whitelist plugins
- Added Content-Security-Policy
- Add Sass sourcemaps to ease debugging of the app
- Refactor project structure
- Added youtube javascript API to manage youtube videos
- Added example of how to integrate a Wordpress Page
- Preload images (improves UX as important images are preloaded using a loader before showing them to the user)
- Multimedia background (change auth background with a Multimedia one which enables you to use gifs or images as full backgrounds)
- New directive in order to open all external links using inAppBrowser plugin
- Added remove bookmarks functionality
- Refactor Sass files structure
- Improved and eased customization of the app (Added theme.variables.scss with different color schemas)
- Brand new documentation!
Version 1.2.0
- Improved and ease build process
- Update Ionic Version to v.1.0.0
- fix services.js AuthService.getUser() bug
Version 1.1.0
- Changed href to ui-sref in order to go from one state to another in a click
- Moved all controllers to the same file www/js/controllers.js
- Moved all services to the same file www/js/services.js
- Removed ProfileService
- Refactoring of some controlleres and services
- Fix embeding wordpress audio posts
- Add show/hide password directive
- Refresh user avatar from Wp on device ready and on device resume
- Update Ionic version to ionicv1.0rc1
- Added with the documentation link
- Don't allow post comments with no content
- Fix audio tag styles conflict with ionic.css by upgrading to ionicv1.0rc1
- Fix slider pager hidden due to ionicv1.0rc1 update
- Fix search results tabs list and bookmarks list style (introduced when upgrading to ionicv1.0rc1)
- Fix audio tag not displaying to 100% on iOS