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73 lines (59 loc) · 5.71 KB

File metadata and controls

73 lines (59 loc) · 5.71 KB


5.x to 6.x

  • Minimum PHP version moved to 8.1
  • Minimum Laravel version moved to 10
  • (optional) If upgrading the intervention/image package to 3.X, be sure to review the upgrading instructions for that package. Notably, the Laravel service providers for configuring the package have been moved to a separate repository intervention/image-laravel
  • New database migration file is included with the package. Run php artisan migrate to apply the changes.
  • Add the MediableInterface to all models using the Mediable trait.
  • To add support for data URLs to the MediaUploader, the following entry should be added to the source_adapters.pattern field in config/mediable.php
    '^data:/?/?[^,]*,' => Plank\Mediable\SourceAdapters\DataUrlAdapter::class,
  • To specify default handling of inferred vs. client-provided MIME types, the following entry should be added to config/mediable.php. If prefer_client_mime_type is set to true, the MIME type provided by the client will be used when available. If set to false, the MIME type will always be inferred from the file contents. Defaults to false.
    'prefer_client_mime_type' => false,
  • All properties now declare their types if able, and a handful of missing method return types have been added. If extending any class or implementing any interface from this package, property types may need to be updated.
  • If you have implemented a custom SourceAdapter, you will need to apply the following changes from the SourceAdapterInterface interface:
    • Implement the getStream(): StreamInterface method.
    • Implement the getHash(string $algo): string method.
    • he return type of the filename() and extension() method is now nullable. If the adapter cannot determine the value from the information available, it should return null.
    • Remove the getContents() method. The getStream()->getContents() method may be used instead.
    • Remove the getSource() method. No replacement.
    • Remove the path() method. No replacement.
    • Remove the valid() method. SourceAdapters should now throw an exception with a more helpful message from the constructor if the source is not valid.
  • The Plank\Mediable\Stream class has been removed in favor of the guzzlehttp/psr7 implementation. If you were using this class directly, you will need use another PSR-7 compatible stream wrapper instead (such as Guzzle's).
  • To make use of the image optimization feature:
    • Install the necessary binaries for the types of images that you are working with. See spatie/image-optimizer documentation for installation instructions on various operating systems.
    • add the image_optimization.enabled and image_optimization.optimizers configs to the config/mediable.php file. See the sample configuration file for a recommended baseline setup.
  • The ImageManipulation::usingHashForFilename() method has been renamed to ImageManipulation::isUsingHashForFilename() to avoid confusion with the useHashForFilename() method.
  • \Plank\Mediable\HandlesMediaUploadExceptions::transformMediaUploadException() parameter and return type changed from \Exception to \Throwable.

4.x to 5.x

  • Database migration files are now served from within the package. In your migrations table, rename the XXXX_XX_XX_XXXXXX_create_mediable_tables.php entry to 2016_06_27_000000_create_mediable_tables.php and delete your local copy of the migration file from the /database/migrations directory. If any customizations were made to the tables, those should be defined as one or more separate ALTER table migrations.
  • Two columns added to the media table: variant_name (varchar) and original_media_id (should match column type). Migration file is included with the package.
  • Plank\Mediable\MediaUploaderFacade moved to Plank\Mediable\Facades\MediaUploader
  • Directory and filename validation now only allows URL and filesystem safe ASCII characters (alphanumeric plus ., -, _, and / for directories). Will automatically attempt to transliterate UTF-8 accented characters and ligatures into their ASCII equivalent, all other characters will be converted to hyphens.
  • The following methods now include an extra $withVariants parameter :
    • Mediable::scopeWithMedia()
    • Mediable::scopeWithMediaMatchAll()
    • Mediable::loadMedia()
    • Mediable::loadMediaMatchAll()
    • MediableCollection::loadMedia()
    • MediableCollection::loadMediaMatchAll()

3.x to 4.x

  • UrlGenerators no longer throw MediaUrlException when the file does not have public visibility. This removes the need to read IO for files local disks or to make HTTP calls for files on s3 disks. Visibility can still checked with $media->isPubliclyAccessible(), if necessary.
  • Highly recommended to explicitly specify the 'url' config value on all disks used to generate URLs.
  • No longer reading the 'prefix' config of local disks. Value should be included in the 'url' config instead.

2.x to 3.x

  • Minimum PHP version moved to 7.2
  • Minimum Laravel version moved to 5.6
  • All methods now have parameter and return type hints. If extending any class or implementing any interface from this package, method signatures will need to be updated.

1.x to 2.x

You need to add an order column to the mediables table.


A handful of methods have been renamed on the MediaUploader class.

setFilename -> useFilename setDisk -> toDisk setDirectory -> toDirectory