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cassiatorczon edited this page Aug 28, 2024 · 6 revisions

PL Club Website

Welcome to the plclub-web wiki! This wiki should answer all of your questions about website involvement, issues, history, and more. If you feel that something should be here but isn't, please feel free to file an issue or submit a merge request.

The primary contacts are as follows:

Person Primary Role
Cassia Torczon Content maintainer
Lawrence Dunn Haskell, git, deployment

How do I report an issue?

If you have a problem with the website, please feel free to file an issue on the Github repo. If there is an immediate technical problem (e.g. a webpage is missing) please email Lawrence Dunn ( If some information is wrong (e.g. alumni status), please email Cassia Torczon (

Depending on the nature of the issue, you may also want to email the editor or any combination of the primary contacts listed above.

If you have a broader issue and feel a Github issue is too narrow, you may prefer to start a conversation on the PL club Slack channel (#website).

How do I ask questions or become involved?

A good place to start would be the PL Club Slack #website channel. Contributions and suggestions welcome!

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