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113 lines (74 loc) · 3.1 KB

File metadata and controls

113 lines (74 loc) · 3.1 KB

A ClojureScript DOM manipulation and event library.


Add the following dependency to your project.clj:

[prismatic/dommy "1.1.0"]

Upgrading to 1.0.0+ from 0.X.Y

Version "1.0.0" includes breaking API changes. Here's a quick overview of what's changed:

  • dommy.template namespace and all related templating features (node, deftemplate, etc) have been removed from the library.
  • Simplified namespace structure. Everything in dommy.macros and dommy.attrs has been moved into dommy.core

See or #85 for more details.

If you are looking for hiccup-style templating features, check out


DOM nodes are selected using macros, which expand to the correct native dom calls. Because selectors don't wrap returned nodes, there is a distinction between single and multiple selections. A selector can be a keyword, string or vector.

    [dommy.core :refer-macros [sel sel1]]))

(sel1 :body) ; => document.body
(sel1 :#header) ; => document.getElementById("header")
(sel1 ".todo") ; => document.getElementsByClassName("todo")[0]

(sel [:#todos :li]) ; => document.querySelectorAll("#todos li")

Sometimes its useful to specify the base node from which the selection takes place.

(sel1 todos-element :.todo)

DOM Manipulation

Inspired by jQuery, but adapted to be functional in order to better fit with ClojureScript core.

(dommy/append! (sel1 :#todos) todo-element)

(doseq [todo (sel :.todo)]
  (dommy/add-class! todo :complete))

(map dommy/text (sel :.todo))

Functions that modify take the target node as their first argument, and return the same modified node, allowing the use of threading macros to accomplish jQuery-like chaining.

(-> (sel1 :#my-button)
	(dommy/remove-attr! :disabled)
	(dommy/add-class! :active)
	(dommy/set-text! "Click me!"))

(->> (sel :.image)
	 (filter #(> (dommy/px % :width) 500))
	 (map #(dommy/add-class! % :big-image)))


Dommy's event API closely resembles the native JavaScript API.

    [dommy.core :as dommy :refer-macros [sel1]]))

(defn click-handler [e]
    (.log js/console "You clicked my button! Congratulations"))

(dommy/listen! (sel1 :#my-button) :click click-handler)

(dommy/unlisten! (sel1 :#my-button) :click click-handler)

If the first argument to listen! is a sequence, the handler will delegate events to the selected element defined by the sequence. A special property selectedTarget added to the event specifies the element selected.

(defn todo-click-handler [e]
  (.log js/console "The clicked todo is" (.-selectedTarget e)))

(dommy/listen! [todos-element :.todo] :click todo-click-handler))


For all pull requests, please ensure your tests pass (or add test cases) before submitting.

$ lein cljsbuild test


Copyright (C) 2014 Prismatic

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.