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Remote Script Partitioner

Partition Debian disks with PXE and shell script instead of complex preseed templates.

Advanced partitioning of Debian boxes with preseed templates can be a challange. remote-script-partitioner makes it easy to bypass the built-in templates and write a shell script to partition your disks.

This package disables partman in the Debian installer, downloads your partitioner script via TFTP and executes it.


Packages are built with Jordan Sissel's fpm so install it first, e.g. gem install fpm.

make udeb


The partitioner expects tftp_server to be set on the kernel command line. It downloads and executes a script named partitioner from the root of the TFTP server.

$ cat /proc/cmdline
[..] tftp_server=

Example from debian-preseed:

The partitioner package can be downloaded and run from preseed/early_command, e.g.:

d-i preseed/early_command string \
  tftp -g -r remote-script-partitioner_0.0.1_all.udeb -l /tmp/partitioner.udeb \
  && udpkg --unpack /tmp/partitioner.udeb

Example from debian-preseed:

Script Example

Below is an example script for GPT + dm-crypt + LVM. This script:

  • partitions the first disk with a GUID Partition Table (GPT)
  • creates a small biosboot partition, 500MB boot partition and uses the rest of the first disk for an encrypted partition
  • encrypts the large patition with cryptsetup
  • adds the encrypted partition to a LVM volume group
  • creates 1G / and 2G /home volumes with ext4 partitions

CAUTION: If you use this script as-is, change the encryption key afterward, e.g. cryptsetup luksChangeKey /dev/sda3 --verify-passphrase!


set -e



# TAG variable is exported from `` in package before
# executing this script.

FIRST_DISK=$(list-devices disk | head -n1)
logger -t "$TAG" "FIRST_DISK: $FIRST_DISK"

logger -t "$TAG" "BOOT_DEV: $BOOT_DEV"

# partition $FIRST_DISK with GUID partition table
anna-install parted-udeb

dd if=/dev/zero of=$FIRST_DISK bs=1M count=1

logger -t "$TAG" "Cleared old partition table by writing zeros to start of $FIRST_DISK ."

logger -t "$TAG" "Partitioning $FIRST_DISK ."
log-output -t "$TAG" parted                -- $FIRST_DISK mklabel gpt
log-output -t "$TAG" parted                -- $FIRST_DISK mkpart biosboot 8192s 16383s
log-output -t "$TAG" parted                -- $FIRST_DISK set 1 bios_grub on

log-output -t "$TAG" parted --align=opt    -- $FIRST_DISK mkpart boot 16384s $BOOT_SIZE
log-output -t "$TAG" parted                -- $FIRST_DISK set 2 boot on

log-output -t "$TAG" parted --align=opt -s -- $FIRST_DISK mkpart pv_$PV_NAME $BOOT_SIZE -1

log-output -t "$TAG" parted                -- $FIRST_DISK print

# install cryptsetup and necessary crypto modules
anna-install crypto-modules crypto-dm-modules cryptsetup-udeb

depmod -ae
modprobe dm-mod
modprobe dm-crypt
modprobe aes

CRYPT_NAME=`echo $DEV | cut -d/ -f3`_crypt

if [ ! -b "$DEV" ]; then
    error "$DEV is not a block special device, refusing to encrypt it."
    exit 1

logger -t "$TAG" "Making $DEV an encrypted partition"
if [ ! -e "$KEYFILE" ]; then
    echo -n "$PASSPHRASE" > "$KEYFILE"
    logger -t "$TAG" 'Using WEAK PASSPHRASE!!! Change key after installation finishes!'

#logger -t "$TAG" "Zeroing $DEV prior to setting up LUKS encryption."
#log-output -t "$TAG" dd if=/dev/zero of="$DEV" bs=1M

echo YES | log-output -t "$TAG" cryptsetup -d "$KEYFILE" luksFormat "$DEV"

log-output -t "$TAG" cryptsetup -d "$KEYFILE" luksOpen "$DEV" $CRYPT_NAME

# install LVM tools and create volume groups
anna-install lvm2-udeb

log-output -t "$TAG" pvcreate /dev/mapper/$CRYPT_NAME
log-output -t "$TAG" vgcreate $PV_NAME /dev/mapper/$CRYPT_NAME

log-output -t "$TAG" lvcreate -n root -L $ROOT_SIZE $PV_NAME
log-output -t "$TAG" lvcreate -n home -L $HOME_SIZE $PV_NAME

# partition /boot and LVM volumes
log-output -t "$TAG" mkfs.$FS -L boot $BOOT_DEV

for F in root home; do
    log-output -t "$TAG" mkfs.$FS -L $F /dev/mapper/${PV_NAME}-$F

# Debian installer expects partitions mounted at /target
mkdir -p /target
mount -t $FS /dev/mapper/${PV_NAME}-root /target

mkdir /target/boot
mount -t $FS $BOOT_DEV /target/boot

for F in home; do
    mkdir /target/$F
    mount -t $FS /dev/mapper/${PV_NAME}-$F /target/$F

eval `blkid -o udev $BOOT_DEV`
logger -t "$TAG" "UUID of boot device ($BOOT_DEV) is $ID_FS_UUID"

logger -t "$TAG" "Preparing /etc/fstab"
mkdir /target/etc
cat <<EOF > /target/etc/fstab
/dev/mapper/${PV_NAME}-root /     $FS defaults,noatime 0 1
UUID=$ID_FS_UUID  /boot $FS defaults,ro      0 1

for F in home; do
    echo "/dev/mapper/${PV_NAME}-$F /$F $FS defaults,noatime 0 2" >> /target/etc/fstab

CRYPT_DEV_UUID=`cryptsetup luksUUID "$DEV"`
logger -t "$TAG" "UUID of encrypted device ($DEV) is $CRYPT_DEV_UUID"
echo "$CRYPT_NAME UUID=$CRYPT_DEV_UUID none luks" > /target/etc/crypttab

logger -t "$TAG" "Installing cryptsetup and lvm2 packages to target system."
log-output -t "$TAG" apt-install cryptsetup || true
log-output -t "$TAG" apt-install lvm2 || true

debconf-set grub-installer/bootdev $FIRST_DISK

# long sleep can be handy for debugging, e.g. to inspect /var/log/syslog
# sleep 180