All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Issue 9 - Create API Usage Documentation
- Issue 4 - User guide for how to run database load script manually
- Issue 12 - Move all constants to separate constants file
- Issue 6 - Pylint and Flake8 configured
- Issue 6 - Github Actions
- Issue 8 - Hydrocron API implementation with mysql local database
- Issue 23 - Added github actions with Snyk, pylint, flake8
- Issue 7 - Added actions to build.yml to upload docker container to registry
- Issue 7 - Fixed poetry.lock to account for new vulnerability detected in Synk, given that we are going to remove flask
- Issue 8 - Hydrocron API implementation with dynamodb local database
- Issue 8 - Rearrange database code
- Issue 8 - Rearrange tests
- Issue 8 - Add script to load data