Get time series data from SWOT observations for reaches and nodes
feature : string
Type of feature being requested. Either "Reach" or "Node"
feature_id : string
ID of the feature to retrieve in format CBBTTTSNNNNNN (i.e. 74297700000000)
start_time : string
Start time of the timeseries (i.e 2023-08-04T00:00:00Z)
end_time : string
End time of the timeseries
output : string
Format of the data returned. Must be one of ["csv", "geojson"]
fields : string
The fields to return. Defaults to "feature_id, time_str, wse, geometry"
CSV or GEOJSON file containing the data for the selected feature and time period.
200 : OK
400 : The specified URL is invalid (does not exist)
404 : An entry with the specified region was not found
413 : Your query returns too much data