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Totoo edited this page Mar 30, 2024 · 19 revisions

The PortaPack Mayhem firmware exposes a serial console via USB when connected to a computer.



Any serial terminal client can be used to connect like PuTTY, minicom, screen, HTerm. There are even web based ones (Chrome&Edge, no Firefox): or

The terminal exposes the ChibiOS/RT Shell:


Available Commands

  • help: lists all available commands.


  • info: shows the ChibiOS/RT system details.

  • systime: shows the uptime in ms.

  • reboot: reboots the PortaPack. This will also work on devices where the reset button is not working.

  • dfu: reboots the PortaPack into DFU firmware upgrade mode.

  • hackrf: Starts the original HackHF firmware to use the PortaPack as HackHF.

  • sd_over_usb: Starts the SD Over USB mode.

  • flash: This is the Flash Utility.

  • screenshot: Takes a screenshot.


  • cmd_screenframe: Replies with the screen's content. Format is 1 line / screen line, and for each pixel HEX (2 char) in the R,G,B order. So one line will be 720 + newline.

  • cmd_screenframeshort: Replies with the screen's content. Format is 1 line / screen line, and for each pixel you'll get 1 character. Format is '00RRGGBB' + 32. So for black you'll get 32 (' '). For white 95 ('_').

  • gotgps: You can send apps your current position. Format gotgps lat lon <alt> <speed> <satinuse>. Lat, lon is mandantory with '.' as a decimal separator.

  • gotorientation: You can send apps your current orientation. Format gotorientation angle. Send only integer, where 0 mean North, 90 East, 400 mean 'not set'.

  • applist: Shows the apps that can be started with appstart command. You'll get 3 parameters per line: app short name (you'll need to use this with appstart), app's full name, and app category.

  • appstart: You can start apps from the list given by the applist command. 1 paremeter needed, the app's short name. It'll stop any running apps.

  • write_memory: Writes arbitrary memory locations.


  • read_memory: Reads arbitrary memory locations.

  • button: Simulates a button press

    • button 1: Right
    • button 2: Left
    • button 3: Down
    • button 4: Up
    • button 5: Select/Enter
    • button 6: DFU
    • button 7: Rotary Left
    • button 8: Rotary Right
  • touch: Emulates touch event (press + release). Need to pass the x y coordinates of the event, and 0 < x < screen_width, 0 < y < screen_height must be met.

  • keyboard: Emulates keypress event for the supported widgets. One parameter must be a string that has the HEX (2 char) representation of the desired key. You can send multiple characters at once. Backspace is 08. "Hello world" sent in one command: keyboard 48656C6C6F20776F726C64.

  • ls: Lists files and directories.

  • mkdir: Creates a directory.

  • unlink: Deletes a file.

  • fopen: Opens a file for reading and modification.


The current position will be set to the end of the file. Use fseek 0 to move to the start of the file.

  • fseek: Sets the current position inside the currently opened file.
  • fclose: Closes the currently opened file.
  • ftruncate: Removes all content in the file behind the current position.
  • ftell: Shows the current position is the file.
  • fread: Reads n bytes from the currently opened file.


there is a faster binary read option: frb

  • fwrite: Writes bytes from the currently opened file.



there is a faster binary write option: fwb

  • pmemreset: Sets all values in PMEM to default. Pass the "yes" as a parameter, that indicates you know what are you doing.
  • settingsreset: Deletes all INI files from settings folder, resetting app settings. Pass the "yes" as a parameter, that indicates you know what are you doing.
  • sysinfo: show system hardware informations.
M0 heap: 32400
M0 stack: 407
M0 cpu%: 0
M4 heap: 0
M4 stack: 0
M0 cpu%: 0
M4 miss: 0
uptime: 15
  • radioinfo: show radio settings.
receiver_model.target_frequency: 1090000000
receiver_model.baseband_bandwidth: 1750000
receiver_model.sampling_rate: 3072000
receiver_model.modulation: 1
receiver_model.am_configuration: 0
receiver_model.nbfm_configuration: 0
receiver_model.wfm_configuration: 0
transmitter_model.target_frequency: 1090000000
transmitter_model.baseband_bandwidth: 1750000
transmitter_model.sampling_rate: 3072000

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