Compose Multiplatform animation library that parses Adobe After Effects animations. Inspired by Airbnb/Lottie.
To integrate Kottie into your Kotlin Multiplatform project
Add the dependency in your common module's commonMain source set
In Xcode, select “File” → “Add Packages...”
Load the animation composition using rememberKottieComposition function. Choose the appropriate specification for loading the composition (File, Url, or JsonString).
var animation by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
animation = Res.readBytes("files/animation.json").decodeToString()
val composition = rememberKottieComposition(
spec = KottieCompositionSpec.File(animation) // Or KottieCompositionSpec.Url || KottieCompositionSpec.JsonString
Display the animation using KottieAnimation composable
MaterialTheme {
modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize(),
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
) {
composition = composition,
progress = { animationState.progress },
modifier = modifier.size(300.dp)
You can control animation playback by using a mutableStateOf variable to toggle the animation on and off.
var playing by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val animationState by animateKottieCompositionAsState(
composition = composition,
isPlaying = playing
MaterialTheme {
modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize(),
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
) {
composition = composition,
progress = { animationState.progress },
modifier = modifier.size(300.dp)
onClick = {
playing = true
To change the playback speed of the animation, modify the speed parameter in the animateKottieCompositionAsState function. By default, the speed is set to 1f, indicating normal speed playback. You can increase the speed for faster playback or decrease it for slower playback.
val animationState by animateKottieCompositionAsState(
composition = composition,
speed = 1.5f // Adjust the speed as needed
By default, the animation plays once and stops (iterations = 1). You can specify the number of times the animation should repeat using the iterations parameter. Alternatively, you can set it to KottieConstants.IterateForever for the animation to loop indefinitely.
val animationState by animateKottieCompositionAsState(
composition = composition,
iterations = 3 // Play the animation 3 times
You can observe animation state changes:
key1 = animationState.isPlaying
) {
if (animationState.isPlaying) {
println("Animation Playing")
if (animationState.isCompleted) {
println("Animation Completed")
playing = false