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Josh Blum edited this page Apr 30, 2015 · 21 revisions

Developing processing IP

The Pothos SDR development environment has almost everything needed to develop new processing blocks and hardware support modules -- except a compiler. To develop IP users must install CMake and Visual Studio 2012 or higher.

C++ processing blocks

Users can create processing blocks in C++ that will be usable from the framework APIs and within the Pothos GUI. The Blocks coding guide will guide you through creating a block and compilation scripts, and goes into intricate detail about using the Pothos Framework API.

Python processing blocks

In addition, users can create and use blocks written in the Python programming language. Read more about creating Python processing blocks on the Python toolkit wiki.

Additional dependencies: The development environment comes pre-built with python bindings, however in addition to the compiler, users must install Python 3.4 and numpy. Make sure to choose the 64-bit Python 3.4 installers both Python and numpy. The wheel installation file for numpy can be installed with the Python pip utility.

Hardware support modules

SDR Devices are supported through the Soapy SDR abstraction library. Supporting a new device is a matter of creating a plugin module in C++ that bridges calls from the device driver to abstraction calls in Soapy SDR. Read more about the Soapy SDR driver API.