This set of instructions are for the member of Pozzo-Research-Group that wish to add their code accompanying a pre-print or paper here.
Step 0 : Locally clone the entire repository from git.
Step 1 : Create a branch and assign a name accrodingly. We recommend paper-author-status
for example : autophasemap-kiran-arxiv
Step 2 : Now setup the upstream branch so that you can pull and push your code to be hosted on GitHub from you local computer.
Step 3 : Add the paper name to the file of the main repository and link it to the folder you added your code into. All of the code required for this repository should be added into this folder.
Step 4 : Create a pull request (PR) with set of task lists, add approver/reviewers to this PR. All the changes your made to this branch will be listed here for everyone to see. You can also see if you have accidentally changed someone else code. Add the paper status tag to this PR.
Q : Why should you consider adding it here rather than creating an entirely new repository.
This way it is easier for everyone in the group and others outside to track code from different papers, follow similar strategies for code sharing and cite cross code usage.
Q : How do I ignore some large data files. This can be done by editing the .gitignore file in the cloned repository.