We recommend using Python 3.x (ideally 3.6.x and above). We recommend using the latest version of Mayavi namely, 4.7.1. Mayavi will also work with Python 2.7 if you are constrained to use that version. However, the following instructions are written for 3.x.
Mayavi requires numpy and VTK to be installed. It also requires a suitable GUI toolkit. We recommend that you install PyQt5 or PySide2 as that is what works best with Mayavi under Python 3.x.
We provide specific instructions for different packaging environments below.
If you are not using any particular packaging environment you can easily install Mayavi using pip. This does require that you are able to compile extensions on your installation. This is usually the case on MacOS and Linux.
Given this you can install Mayavi with the following:
$ pip install numpy vtk pyqt5
$ pip install mayavi
If for some reason pyqt5 gives you problems, you can also try the following:
$ pip install pyside2
We also require jupyter and scipy for the workshop so please also install the following:
$ pip install scipy jupyter ipywidgets ipyevents
If this works successfully, please move on to the "testing your installation" below.
To install Mayavi with conda try the following:
$ conda create -n mayavi
$ conda activate mayavi # or source activate mayavi
$ conda install -c conda-forge numpy scipy traits jupyter ipywidgets ipyevents
$ conda remove pyqt qt
$ pip install mayavi pyqt5 jupyter
We remove the pyqt from conda as it is an older version and doesn't work well with mayavi.
On some architectures, you may be able to install the latest version of mayavi with conda itself. You could try that and if it installs the latest version of Mayavi and everything works, you should be all set. Otherwise, use the above instructions.
If this works successfully, please move on to the "testing your installation" below.
- On conda-forge, the pyqt package is old (5.9.2) and will end up showing a black screen when you use Mayavi. The fix is to do the following::
conda remove pyqt qt
pip install pyqt
You could also do away with pyqt and instead use pyside2 if you wish::
pip uninstall pyqt qt
pip install pyside2
This will also work. Test your installation to be sure.
If you are using edm you can do the following:
$ edm install numpy scipy apptools envisage jupyter traits
$ pip install mayavi pyqt5
If this works successfully, please move on to the "testing your installation" below.
Try the following:
$ jupyter console
In []: %gui qt
In []: from mayavi import mlab
In []: mlab.test_plot3d()
This should produce a window that is interactive and usable without any tracebacks or exceptions.
If you get strange warnings like this:
QWidgetWindow(0x7fce6d8eac30, name="_ToolBarClassWindow") ( QScreen(0x7fce6be35730, name="Color LCD") ): Attempt to set a screen on a child window.
when creating Mayavi plots, install pyqt5 via pip like so:
$ pip install pyqt5
also see the issues for the different package managers above.