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Understanding the API

Rudi edited this page Dec 11, 2024 · 12 revisions

Understanding the API

The API is implemented on top of Wagtail's API, documentation can be found here


The four platforms currently supported by the content repo are Web, Whatsapp, Viber and Messenger. The API only returns results for one platform at a time depending on which platform is requested.

Requesting content for different platforms

In order to retrieve content for a platform, the following endpoints are accepted






If no platform is provided in the query string, the API will return the web content.

If a platform has been requested but has not been enabled on the CMS no content will be returned

Content Body Pagination

For Whatsapp, Viber, SMS, USSD and Messenger, each text block in the CMS counts as 1 message. If no message index is sent in the query string, the API will return the first message. Below are examples of how to request specific messages.






The content body that is returned will return the indexes of the previous and next messages as well, and None if no previous or next message.

Content Pages Pagination

You can paginate content pages by adding a limit and an offset. The limit is the page size, and the offset is the amount to start from. For example:

/api/v2/pages/?offset=2&limit=2 will give the second page with 2 results

/api/v2/pages/?offset=4&limit=2 will give the third page with 2 results

Content Pages Filtering

/api/v2/pages/?tag=relationships will give all the articles that have been tagged for relationships

More information about fetching content from the API can be seen here

Content page fields

All content pages have the following fields:

Name Description
id The database identifier for the content page
meta The metadata for the page. See the Metadata fields section for more details
title The title of the content to display to the user. This changes depending on the channel
subtitle The subtitle to display to the user. This is only present for the web channel type
body The body of the content to show to the user. This differs depending on the channel type
tags The tags of the content page, as strings in an array. Used to organise and classify pages
triggers The keywords that should trigger this content page, as strings in an array
quick_replies (deprecated) The buttons that should be displayed with the content
related_pages A list of pages that are related to this one

Metadata fields

These are the fields that fall under the meta field.

Name Description
type The database model for this page, home.ContentPage for content pages
detail_url The API URL for this page's details
html_url The URL for the web version of this content
slug This, together with the locale, form the unique identifier for this page
show_in_menus String that's "true" or "false". Whether or not to show in menus
seo_title Title to use for SEO
search_description Description to use for SEO
first_published_at Timestamp of when this page was first published
alias_of Details of the page this is an alias of, otherwise null
parent The details of this page's parent. Contains the ID, title, and in the "meta" key the type and html URL
locale The language code for the locale of this page

WhatsApp body fields

If you've requested the WhatsApp content for the content page, the body field will contain the following fields:

Name Description
message Which number this is. Only one message is shown per request, and the message query parameter controls which one
next_message The message number for the next message, if there is one, else null
previous_message The message number for the previous message, if there is one, else null
total_messages The total number of WhatsApp messages present in this content page
text This object contains the content of the WhatsApp message
text.value.image The integer ID of the image linked to this message, else null The integer ID of the media linked to this message, else null
text.value.footer A string containing the message footer
text.value.buttons A list of objects representing buttons.
text.value.buttons.type The type of button. Can be next_message, go_to_page, or go_to_form
text.value.buttons.value The value of the button. Contains title, the button's title. For go_to_page, there's a page field, whose value is an integer page ID. For go_to_form, there's a form field, whose value is an integer form ID.`
text.value.message The text of the whatsapp message
text.value.document The integer ID of the document linked to this message, else null
text.value.list_items (deprecated)A list of objects representing list items. Each object has a value, which is the text for the list item. See list_items_v2 for the full list item values.
text.value.list_title The title of the list, used for the button that opens the list
text.value.next_prompt (deprecated)The text for the button that goes to the next message. Rather use buttons here
text.value.example_values For template messages, a list of examples for the variables
text.value.variation_messages A list of variations for this message. Each variation contains profile_field and value, which determines what the value of the contact's profile field should be for this variation to apply, and message, which is the text that should be used if the variation condition applies
text.value.list_items_v2 An array of objects representing the list items. Same format as buttons
revision The integer ID for the revision of this content page
is_whatsapp_template A boolean that represents whether this is a whatsapp template or not
whatsapp_template_name If this is a whatsapp template, the name that was used to submit this to the Meta API
whatsapp_template_category If this is a whatsapp template, the category that this was submitted under to the Meta API

Next Prompts


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