- Write a program to scan and display integer using pointer
- Write a program to scan and display character using pointer
- Write a program to scan and display integer array
- Write a program to display numbers at odd indexes only in an integer array
- Write a program to find max of integer array
- Write a program to count even and odd numbers in integer array
- Write a program to accept string from user & find its length
- Write a program to accept one string from user , & copy it into another empty string
- Write a program to accept one string from user , & copy it into another empty string in reverse
order, display the reverse string
- Write a program to count number of vowels & number of consonants in the string
- Write a program to convert all the characters of string into uppercase & display string
- Write a program to accept two strings from user & compare them, display whether they are
equal or not
- Write a program to accept one string from user & reverse it without using second string
- Write a program to accept two strings from user & concatenate them and display concatenated
string (e.g. - str1[20]=”hello” str2[10]=”welcome”…………after concatenation str1 should
become hellowelcome)
- Write a program to accept two strings from user & insert the second string into first after the
character specified by user (e.g.- str1[20]=”hello” str2[10]=”welcome”….if user specifies e
str1 should become hewelcomello)
- Write a program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not, without using second