-AI Assisted(AI provided ideas, I do the actual writing and structuring)
- Quantum API
- The amount of pixels a random image
- Horoscopes
- Quotes
- Random Photo: Fetches random images from the Unsplash photo library, which can be tied to a random number.
- Photo Search: Allows searching for images by keywords or categories, which can be used creatively with random numbers.
- Photo Details: Provides information about the photo, including photographer details and image dimensions.
- Random Jokes: Provides random jokes from various categories (e.g., programming, general, puns) based on a generated number.
- Joke by Type: Allows filtering by joke type or category.
- Joke with a Punchline: Returns jokes that include punchlines or are structured to deliver humor.
- Random Activity: Suggests random activities based on a generated number, such as hobby or entertainment ideas.
- Activity by Category: Allows filtering activities by category, which can be tied to random numbers.
- Suggestions for Groups or Individuals: Provides activity ideas suitable for individuals or groups, based on random number inputs.
- Random Photo: Fetches random photos from the Pexels database, which can be tied to a generated number.
- Photo Search: Allows searching for photos based on keywords or categories, with results influenced by random numbers.
- Video Search: Provides random or categorized videos from the Pexels library.
- Random User Data: Generates random user profiles, including names, email addresses, and photos.
- User Data Customization: Allows customization of the user data fields based on random number input.
- Profile Details: Provides detailed information about the generated random user, including location and contact details.