[destination] ← [destination]/[source]
DIVS <ea>,Dn
DIVU <ea>,Dn
longword/word = longword result
Divide the destination operand by the source operand and store the result in the destination. The destination is a longword and the source is a 16-bit value. The result (i.e., destination register) is a 32-bit value arranged so that the quotient is the lower-order word and the remainder is the upper-order word. DIVU
performs division on unsigned values, and DIVS
performs division on two's complement values. An attempt to divide by zero causes an exception. For DIVS
, the sign of the remainder is always the same as the sign of the dividend (unless the remainder is zero).
Attempting to divide a number by zero results in a divide-by-zero exception. If overflow is detected during division, the operands are unaffected. Overflow is checked for at the start of the operation and occurs if the quotient is larger than a 16-bit signed integer. If the upper word of the dividend is greater than or equal to the divisor, the V-bit is set and the instruction terminated.
Consider the division of D0 by D1, DIVU D1,D0
, which results in:
[D0(0:15)] ← [D0(0:31)]/[D1(0:15)]
[D0(16:31)] ← remainder
X | N | Z | V | C |
- | * | * | * | 0 |
The X-bit is not affected by a division. The N-bit is set if the quotient is negative. The Z-bit is set if the quotient is zero. The V-bit is set if division overflow occurs (in which case the Z- and N-bits are undefined). The C-bit is always cleared.
Dn | An | (An) | (An)+ | ‑(An) | (d,An) | (d,An,Xi) | ABS.W | ABS.L | (d,PC) | (d,PC,Xn) | imm |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
From MOTOROLA M68000 FAMILY Programmer's reference manual. Copyright 1992 by Motorola Inc./NXP. Adapted with permission.