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File metadata and controls

135 lines (87 loc) · 4.18 KB


Batch Translator

Batch Translator is a CLI tool that translates text files. The primary target audience is OSS development project members who need to translate the README and documentation. The primary usage is as follows:

  • Single file translation (for example, README. md)
  • Batch translation of files under a directory with a specific extension (for example, documents using AsciiDoctor)

For Users

Execution Environment

The following software is required to run the Batch Translator:

  • Java 17+
  • Maven 3.6 + (when used as the Maven Plugin)


The Batch Translator can be run as a Java command or as a Maven plugin.

  1. Create API Key (#Create API Key)
  2. Run as Java Command or Run as Maven Plugin

Creating an API Key

Batch Translator uses "Minna no Automaton Translation @ TexTra ®", "Amazon Translate" and "Cloud Translation API" for the translation engine. To use the translation function, please create an account at one of the following sites.

Minna no Jidousha Hon' yaku @ TexTra ®

After creating the account, save the user ID, API KEY, and API SECRET from the Settings page ( to the batch-translator. properties file.

The batch-translator. properties file must be stored in a directory named. aulait under the user home directory.

  • Windows
mkdir %USERPROFILE%\.aulait
notepad %USERPROFILE%\.aulait\
  • macOs
mkdir ~/.aulait
nano ~/.aulait/
When to Use Amazon Translate

After creating the account, refer to the User Guide ( and save the aws _ access _ key _ id and aws _ secret _ access _ key in the credentials file.

Create the credentials file in your home directory under the. aws folder.

Ex. ~/.aws/credentials

When to Use the Cloud Translation API

After you create your account, use Enable API ( to enable the Cloud Translation API.

Then configure the ADC with the help of Configure ADC with a Google Account (

# for the Cloud Translation API is available [here] at

Run with Java Command

curl -o batch-translator-core-1.1.jar

java -jar batch-translator-core-1.1.jar -m Mode -s Source -t Target -e Engine(minhon or aws)

Example 1) Command that translates README _ ja. md from Japanese to English and outputs it to README. md

java -jar batch-translator-core-1.1.jar -m ja2en -s -t -e aws

Example 2) A command that translates all files with the extension adoc under the docs directory from Japanese to English and outputs them to the docs/en directory

java -jar batch-translator-core-1.1.jar -m ja2en -p *.adoc -s docs -t docs/en -e aws

Run as Maven Plugin

Add the Batch Translator Maven Plugin to pom. xml.

  • pom.xml
mvn batch-translator:translate -Dbt.mode=ja2en -Dbt.filePattern=*.adoc -Dbt.engine=aws

Bug Reports, Feature Requests

If you have a bug or feature request related to Batch Translator, please submit an issue to [Issues] on this GitHub project (


The Batch Translator is available at Apache Lisence 2.0.