Fixtures are data you usually write to populate your database during the development, or static content like menus, labels, ... you need by default in your database in production.
The following command is designed to load fixtures:
> php app/console propel:fixtures:load [-d|--dir[="..."]] [--xml] [--sql] [--yml] [--connection[="..."]] [bundle]
As you can see, there are many options to allow you to easily load fixtures.
As usual, --connection
allows to specify a connection. The --dir
option allows to specify a directory
containing the fixtures (default is: app/propel/fixtures/
Note that the --dir
expects a relative path from the root dir (which is app/
The --xml
parameter allows you to load only XML fixtures.
The --sql
parameter allows you to load only SQL fixtures.
The --yml
parameter allows you to load only YAML fixtures.
You can mix --xml
, --yml
and --sql
parameters to load XML, YAML and SQL fixtures at the same time.
If none of this parameter are set all files YAML, XML and SQL in the directory will be load.
You can pass a bundle name to load fixtures from it. A bundle's name starts with @
like @AcmeDemoBundle
> php app/console propel:fixtures:load @AcmeDemoBundle
A valid XML fixtures file is:
<Object Namespace="Awesome">
<o1 Title="My title" MyFoo="bar" />
<Related Namespace="Awesome">
<r1 ObjectId="o1" Description="Hello world !" />
A valid YAML fixtures file is:
Title: My title
MyFoo: bar
ObjectId: o1
Description: Hello world !
name: Foo
name: Baz
title: A Post with tags (N-N relation)
tags: [ t1, t2 ]
If you use Faker with its Symfony2 integration, then the PropelBundle offers a facility to use the Faker generator in your YAML files:
name: "Awesome Feature"
description: <?php $faker('text', 500); ?>
The aim of this feature is to be able to mix real, and fake data in the same file. Fake data are interesting to quickly add data tou your application, but most of the time you need to rely on real data. To integrate Faker in the YAML files allows to write strong fixtures efficiently.
You can dump data from your database into YAML fixtures file by using this command:
> php app/console propel:fixtures:dump [--connection[="..."]]
Dumped files will be written in the fixtures directory: app/propel/fixtures/
with the following name:
where 99999
is a timestamp.
Once done, you will be able to load these files by using the propel:fixtures:load