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RDFRules: Experiments

This module has implemented some experiments with the RDFRules Scala Core API. Experiments are divided into four modules:

  • Experiments module (this directory): Experiments with some RDFRules heuristics and operations (such as discretization, mining from multiple graphs, top-k strategy, patterns). All experiments of this module are described in this directory (see below).
  • Experiments AMIE2 module: RDFRules vs AMIE+
  • Experiments AMIE3 module: RDFRules vs AMIE3
  • Experiments KGC module: RDFRules vs AnyBURL and experiments with various settings of RDFRules for knowledge graph completion.

Benchmarks were launched on the CESNET Metacentrum computing cluster - results are also available within this GitHub repository.

Getting Started

Clone the RDFRules repository and run following SBT commands:

> project experiments
> run

After execution of the run command we can choose from three basic (fast) examples and one complex benchmark:

  • YagoAndDbpediaSamples: 5 samples with DBpedia and YAGO datasets. It operates with the Scala API.
  • CompleteWorkflowScala: one example with the complete workflow of rule mining. It operates with the Scala API.
  • RdfRulesExperiments: complex bechmark of some operations implemented in RDFRules.
  • AllTests: run all experiments with default settings and with -input experiments/data/yago2core_facts.clean.notypes.tsv.bz2.


The main class RdfRulesExperiments requires some parameters to determine which kind of experiment should be launched:

> runMain com.github.propi.rdfrules.experiments.RdfRulesExperiments parameters...
Parameter name Description Default
cores Number of threads. available cores
minhcs List of values with min head coverage thresholds. 0.005,0.01,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3
times Number of repetition of each task 7
input Input TSV dataset. Dataset can be compressed by GZIP or BZIP2. experiments/data/yago2core_facts.clean.notypes.tsv.bz2
output Output file with benchmark results. experiments/data/results.txt
topks TopK values for the pruning experiment. 500,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000,32000
minsims Minimum similarities to make a cluster by the clustering experiment. 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8
runtopk Run rule mining in the top-k mode. It contains runconstants and runlogical tasks with topK = 100.
runpatterns Run rule mining with patterns
runconfidence Run confidence computing separately. The default threshold is minPcaConfidence=0.1, input 10000 rules with/without constants.
rungraphs Run mining of rules from two different graphs and from merged graphs together by owl:sameAs links. YAGO and DBpedia samples are used.
rundiscretization Run a heuristic for automatic discretization of numerical values in order to discover more interesting rules. There should by used an input dataset with numerical literals, e.g., experiments/data/mappingbased_literals_sample.ttl.bz2
runclusters Run DBScan clustering for mined rules by different settings with calculated inter/intra cluster similarities and final score. MinNeigbours is set to 1 and Eps (min similarity) is set by the minsims option. Rules are clusteted based on their body and head contents.
runpruning Run CBA pruning strategy for reducing number of rules and compare results with the original ruleset. The original ruleset is mined by topK approach with different values set by the topks option and with MinHC=0.01 and MinConf=0.1
runanytime Run mining with a refiniment timeout and with sampling. The result is compared with the result of the exhaustive approach without any sampling or anytime stopping criteria.

Performed experiments

We performed some experiments on the CESNET Metacentrum computing cluster with RDFRules 1.2.1 and the sample YAGO dataset containing around 1M triples with following input parameters:

# task1 - topK, patterns and confidence computing experiments with 8 cores
> runMain com.github.propi.rdfrules.experiments.RdfRulesExperiments -cores 8 -runtopk -runpatterns

For RDFRules 1.4.0, the experiments were extended by discretization, clustering, pruning, and multiple-graphs experiments.

# task2 - auto discretization of numerical values
> runMain com.github.propi.rdfrules.experiments.RdfRulesExperiments -cores 8 -rundiscretization -minhcs 0.01,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3 -input "experiments/data/mappingbased_literals_sample.ttl.bz2"
# task3 - clustering by different settings with calculated inter/intra cluster similarities and final score
> runMain com.github.propi.rdfrules.experiments.RdfRulesExperiments -cores 8 -runclusters
# task4 - CBA pruning strategy for reducing number of rules without loss of predicted triples 
> runMain com.github.propi.rdfrules.experiments.RdfRulesExperiments -cores 8 -runpruning
# task5 - comparison between mining of rules from two different graphs and from merged graphs together
> runMain com.github.propi.rdfrules.experiments.RdfRulesExperiments -cores 8 -rungraphs

For RDFRules 1.6.1, the experiments were extended by the anytime approach.

# task6 - anytime approach vs exhaustive approach
> runMain com.github.propi.rdfrules.experiments.RdfRulesExperiments -cores 8 -runanytime -minhcs 0.01

The results of individual tasks are placed in the results folder. The parameters of the used machine for experiments are:

  • CPU: 4x 14-core Intel Xeon E7-4830 v4 (2GHz),
  • RAM: 512 GB,
  • OS: Debian 9.

All experiments can be launched with default settings with the yago2core_facts.clean.notypes.tsv.bz2 dataset and with the mappingbased_literals_sample.ttl.bz2 dataset for discretization by the main class AllTests:

> runMain com.github.propi.rdfrules.experiments.AllTests