Project developed originally by Przemysław Bągard for master's thesis at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at University of Warsaw.
Project written in C++. Application uses:
- Qt libraries in version 4 (including qmake),
- openGL.
- example1 (CollisionVisualisator): Application used to check collision detection functions correctness.
- example2 (CollisionExample): Simple engine using EnvelopeCollide library. There are 'hard' shapes (filled) - obstacles, and 'soft' shapes (wireframed), which triggers something when character enters/exits those shapes.
- performance.
In envelopecollide/bin folder will be created static library 'envelopecollide' (qt is not essential for 'envelopecollide' library, however program uses qmake). Example1 and example2 programs need qt dynamic libraries to work.
Tested on both Windows and Ubuntu Linux.
In a linux console, type:
qmake-qt4 make
- in some linux distributions qmake or qmake4 command is used instead of qmake-qt4,
- if system variable QMAKESPEC is not defined (user receives error message about lack of MAKESPEC), type in qmake-qt4 command additional parameter '-spec linux-g++' (program creates makefile for g++ compiler).
I grant MIT license for 'envelopecollide' library (see 'License.txt' for details).
Qt libraries are used on LGPL 2.1 license (see file: 'QtUsedLicense_lgpl-2.1.txt'. Content of license is also available on: ).