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82 lines (71 loc) · 4.38 KB

text2vec 0.5.1

  1. 2017-12-18
    • fixed several bugs #219 #217 #205
    • decreased number of dependencies - no more magrittr, uuid, tokenizers
    • removed distributed LDA which didn't work correctly
  2. 2017-10-18
    • Now tokenization is based on tokenizers and THE stringi packages.
    • models API follow mlapi package. No API changes on text2vec side - we just put abstract scikit-learn-like classes to a separate package in order to make them more reusable.

text2vec 0.5.0

  1. 2017-06-12
    • Add additional filters to prune_vocabulary - filter by document counts
    • Clean up LSA, fixed transform method. Added option to use randomized SVD algorithm from irlba.
  2. 2017-05-17
  3. 2017-05-17
    • API breaking change - vocabulary format change - now plain data.frame with meta-information in attributes (stopwords, ngram, number of docs, etc).
  4. 2017-03-25
    • No more rely on RcppModules
    • API breaking change - removed lda_c from formats in DTM construction
    • added ifiles_parallel, itoken_parallel high-level functions for parallel computing
    • API breaking change chunks_numer parameter renamed to n_chunks
  5. 2017-01-02
    • API breaking change - removed create_corpus from public API, moved co-occurence related optons to create_tcm from vecorizers
    • add ability to add custom weights for co-occurence statistics calculations
  6. 2016-12-30
    • Noticeable speedup (1.5x) and even more noticeable improvement on memory usage (2x less!) for create_dtm, create_tcm . Now package relies on sparsepp library for underlying hash maps.
  7. 2016-10-30
    • Collocations - detection of multi-word phrases using differend heuristics - PMI, gensim, LFMD.
  8. 2016-10-20
    • Fixed bug in as.lda_c() function

text2vec 0.4.0

2016-10-03. See 0.4 milestone tags.

  1. Now under GPL (>= 2) Licence
  2. "immutable" iterators - no need to reinitialize them
  3. unified models interface
  4. New models: LSA, LDA, GloVe with L1 regularization
  5. Fast similarity and distances calculation: Cosine, Jaccard, Relaxed Word Mover's Distance, Euclidean
  6. Better hadnling UTF-8 strings, thanks to @qinwf
  7. iterators and models rely on R6 package

text2vec 0.3.0

  1. 2016-01-13 fix for #46, thanks to @buhrmann for reporting
  2. 2016-01-16 format of vocabulary changed.
    • do not keep doc_proportions. see #52.
    • add stop_words argument to prune_vocabulary. signature also was changed.
  3. 2016-01-17 fix for #51. if iterator over tokens returns list with names, these names will be:
    • stored as attr(corpus, 'ids')
    • rownames in dtm
    • names for dtm list in lda_c format
  4. 2016-02-02 high level function for corpus and vocabulary construction.
    • construction of vocabulary from list of itoken.
    • construction of dtm from list of itoken.
  5. 2016-02-10 rename transformers
    • now all transformers starts with transform_* - more intuitive + simpler usage with autocompletion
  6. 2016-03-29 (accumulated since 2016-02-10)
    • rename vocabulary to create_vocabulary.
    • new functions create_dtm, create_tcm.
    • All core functions are able to benefit from multicore machines (user have to register parallel backend themselves)
    • Fix for progress bars. Now they are able to reach 100% and ticks increased after computation.
    • ids argument to itoken. Simplifies assignement of ids to rows of DTM
    • create_vocabulary now can handle stopwords
    • see all updates here
  7. 2016-03-30 more robust split_into() util.

text2vec 0.2.0 (2016-01-10)

First CRAN release of text2vec.

  • Fast text vectorization with stable streaming API on arbitrary n-grams.
    • Functions for vocabulary extraction and management
    • Hash vectorizer (based on digest murmurhash3)
    • Vocabulary vectorizer
  • GloVe algorithm word embeddings.
    • Fast term-co-occurence matrix factorization via parallel async AdaGrad.
  • All core functions written in C++.