Via Composer
composer require psr18-adapter/algoliasearch-client-php
Here's service definition that I used in combination with algolia/search-bundle
<service id="search.client" class="Algolia\AlgoliaSearch\SearchClient" public="true" lazy="true">
<argument type="service">
<service class="Algolia\AlgoliaSearch\RetryStrategy\ApiWrapper">
<argument type="service">
<service class="Psr18Adapter\Algolia\AlgoliaPsr18Client">
<argument id="httplug.client.default" type="service" />
<argument id="search.config" type="service" />
<argument type="service">
<service class="Algolia\AlgoliaSearch\RetryStrategy\ClusterHosts">
<factory class="Algolia\AlgoliaSearch\RetryStrategy\ClusterHosts" method="createFromAppId" />
<argument id="search.config" type="service" />
Yes, it's complicated and attempt to make it a bit less so was rejected.
If you don't use this bundle, you should manage to turn this config to PHP code on your own. Contribution for such snippet welcome.
MIT license. Please see License File for more information.