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File metadata and controls

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API Documentation

Validator Class

.. autoclass:: cerberus.Validator
  :members: allow_unknown, clear_caches, document, document_error_tree,
            document_path, _drop_remaining_rules, _error, error_handler,
            _errors, errors, _get_child_validator, ignore_none_values,
            is_child, _lookup_field, mandatory_validations, normalized,
            priority_validations, purge_unknown, recent_error,
            require_all, _remaining_rules, root_allow_unknown, root_document,
            root_require_all, root_schema, rules_set_registry, schema,
            schema_error_tree, schema_path, schema_registry, types,
            types_mapping, _valid_schemas, validate, validated

Rules Set & Schema Registry

.. autoclass:: cerberus.schema.Registry

Type Definitions

.. autoclass:: cerberus.TypeDefinition

Error Handlers

.. autoclass:: cerberus.errors.BaseErrorHandler

.. autoclass:: cerberus.errors.BasicErrorHandler

Python Error Representations

.. autoclass:: cerberus.errors.ErrorDefinition

.. autoclass:: cerberus.errors.ValidationError

Error Codes

Its :attr:`code` attribute uniquely identifies an :class:`~cerberus.errors.ErrorDefinition` that is used a concrete error's :attr:`~cerberus.errors.ValidationError.code`. Some codes are actually reserved to mark a shared property of different errors. These are useful as bitmasks while processing errors. This is the list of the reserved codes:

0110 0000 0x60 96 An error that occurred during normalization.
1000 0000 0x80 128 An error that contains child errors.
1001 0000 0x90 144 An error that was emitted by one of the *of-rules.

None of these bits in the upper nibble must be used to enumerate error definitions, but only to mark one with the associated property.


Users are advised to set bit 8 for self-defined errors. So the code 0001 0000 0001 / 0x101 would the first in a domain-specific set of error definitions.

This is a list of all error defintions that are shipped with the :mod:`~cerberus.errors` module:

Error Containers

.. autoclass:: cerberus.errors.ErrorList

.. autoclass:: cerberus.errors.ErrorTree

.. autoclass:: cerberus.errors.DocumentErrorTree

.. autoclass:: cerberus.errors.SchemaErrorTree


.. autoexception:: cerberus.SchemaError

.. autoexception:: cerberus.DocumentError


.. automodule:: cerberus.utils

Schema Validation Schema

Against this schema validation schemas given to a vanilla :class:`~cerberus.Validator` will be validated: