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eflanigan00 edited this page Nov 23, 2016 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the anaconda-mode wiki!

Python requirements

I started with Anaconda3-4.2.0 and needed the following python packages:


anaconda-mode will install them from pypi you into ~/.emacs.d/anaconda-mode/0.1.6/. I was behind a firewall so I used the following code to install them to the proper location them with easy_install.

import os, sys
from setuptools.command import easy_install
version = "0.1.6"
directory = os.path.join("/home/username/.emacs.d/anaconda-mode/", version)
local_package_dir = '/home/user/anaconda_mode_pkg/'
easy_install.main(['-d', directory,            # install package to DIR
                   '-S', directory,            # list of directories where .pth files work
                   '-a',                       # Always copy all needed packages to install dir
                   '-Z',                       # don't install as a zipfile, no matter what
                   '-f', local_package_dir,    # additional URL(s) to search for packages
                   'anaconda_mode==' + version])
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