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vfdev edited this page Jun 19, 2018
37 revisions
At first, we build universal
wheels and tars:
git checkout vX.Y.Z
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*
or for testing purposes it is possible to upload to test.pypi
twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
conda skeleton pypi pytorch-ignite
As conda pytorch dependency name (pytorch
) is different of pip dependency torch
we need to modify pytorch-ignite/meta.yaml
file and replace torch
-> pytorch
If build with python3, comment also enum34
conda config --set anaconda_upload yes
anaconda login
conda build . --python 3.6
conda build . --python 3.5
# Do not forget to uncomment enum34 dependency
conda build . --python 2.7
More info here
How to update documentation
All you have to do to update the site is modify the gh-pages
For example, regenerating docs is:
cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
make clean
make html
# copy build/html into gh-pages branch, commit, push
Image is created with PyCharm (Dracula Theme) with "Compare files" function and a screenshot resized to 1248x.
Ignite (left side):
model = Net()
train_loader, val_loader = get_data_loaders(train_batch_size, val_batch_size)
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01, momentum=0.8)
criterion = torch.nn.NLLLoss()
max_epochs = 10
validate_every = 100
checkpoint_every = 100
trainer = create_supervised_trainer(model, optimizer, criterion)
evaluator = create_supervised_evaluator(model, metrics={'accuracy': BinaryAccuracy()})
def validate(trainer):
if trainer.state.iteration % validate_every == 0:
metrics = evaluator.state.metrics
print("After {} iterations, binary accuracy = {:.2f}"
.format(trainer.state.iteration, metrics['accuracy']))
checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint(checkpoint_dir, 'my_model',
save_interval=checkpoint_every, create_dir=True)
trainer.add_event_handler(Events.ITERATION_COMPLETE, checkpointer, {'mymodel': model})
trainer.run(train_loader, max_epochs=max_epochs)
and bare pytorch snippet (right side):
model = Net()
train_loader, val_loader = get_data_loaders(train_batch_size, val_batch_size)
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01, momentum=0.8)
criterion = torch.nn.NLLLoss()
max_epochs = 10
validate_every = 100
checkpoint_every = 100
def validate(model, val_loader):
model = model.eval()
num_correct = 0
num_examples = 0
for batch in val_loader:
input, target = batch
output = model(input)
correct = torch.eq(torch.round(output).type(target.type()), target).view(-1)
num_correct += torch.sum(correct).item()
num_examples += correct.shape[0]
return num_correct / num_examples
def checkpoint(model, optimizer, checkpoint_dir):
# ...
def train(model, optimizer, loss,
train_loader, val_loader,
max_epochs, validate_every,
checkpoint_every, checkpoint_dir):
model = model.train()
iteration = 0
for epoch in range(max_epochs):
for batch in train_loader:
input, target = batch
output = model(input)
loss = criterion(output, target)
if iteration % validate_every == 0:
binary_accuracy = validate(model, val_loader)
print("After {} iterations, binary accuracy = {:.2f}"
.format(iterations, binary_accuracy))
if iteration % checkpoint_every == 0:
checkpoint(model, optimizer, checkpoint_dir)
iteration += 1
PyTorch-Ignite presented to you with love by PyTorch community