title | author |
VAMR 2020 |
Qasim Warraich |
VO is the process of incrementally estimating the pose of the vehicle by examining the changes that motion induces on the images of it's on board cameras. In a nutshell odometry means motion estimation, visual odometry refers to estimating motion of a camera i.e. rotation (3 DoF) and translation, from the start by analysing the changes the motion induces on the camera images.
VO algorithms takes in a sequence of temporally sorted images and returns as output a sequence of orientation and position (Array of 6 DoF poses)
- Sufficient illumination of environment
- Dominance of static scenes over moving objects
- Enough texture for feature extraction
- Sufficient scene overlap between consecutive frames (How much? -> Relative Baseline)
- SFM is more general and makes no assumption on the order that the images were taken. For example the "Building Rome in a Day" project.
- VO is a particular case of SFM, It focuses on estimating the 6DoF motion of the camera sequentially (as a new frame arrives and in real time.
- Visual Slam is VO with loop detection and closure. Loop detection and closing guarantees global consistency where as VO can only offer local consistency. VO is about comparing the last few images, VSLAM takes the whole loop into account.
- In VO it's possible that at every calculation errors are introduced and they snowball. The only way to minimise the error is to visit a place you have been before, this is what VSLAM does. VO is locally accurate, VSLAM is globally accurate. SLAM adds loop detection and the resulting optimisation. VO is purely using visual sensors, visual inertial would include an imu!
- Feature detection and matching are the input to the motion estimation algorithm.
- The Motion Estimation stage takes as input the feature tracks and estimates incrementally one pose after another the relative translation and rotation between the last two frames.
- Local optimisation takes the unoptimised last poses and adjusts them by minimising some error to get more accurate poses and points. This is called bundle adjustment or post graph optimisation depending on the algorithm being used.
Explain what a blur circle is?
A blur circle is caused by the aperture being too large allowing multiple rays of lights from a particular point on an object being projected onto the image. It is important to note that too small of an aperture might cause diffraction effects which also cause blur. Smaller aperture also means less light so less a dimmer image. Exposure should be used to compensate. Different points on the same object might not be in focus just because one of them is.
In general we aim to restrict the blur circle to one pixel. This can be achieved in two ways, either by making sure
$\delta$ is really small by setting the object as far as possible (as mentioned below) or by alternatively shrinking the iris of the camera.
Derive the thin lens equation and perform the pinhole approximation
- Important to note that increasing the distance causes a depth of field distortion that means that there will be a certain distance that all objects will appear in focus so accuracy in estimating long distance is lost.
- When the object gets further and further the focal plane comes forward
and at a certain distance, usually 20x the focal length we can assume
that the image is formed at the focal point (an approximation that is
valid). This is what happens at the limit of the thin lens equation when
$Z$ in$\frac{1}{Z}$ approaches$\infty$ at the$\lim\limits_{Z \to \infty}$ we see that the equation goes to$0$ . Now that$Z$ can be disregarded at long distances we see that we have$\frac{1}{f}\approx\frac{1}{e}$ so we can derive that$f \approx e$ . - This approximation is the basis of the Pin-hole approximation, which can
be described as:
- The equation is negative as the image is flipped upside down. The lens
ceases to exist and becomes an ideal pin hole. We use only one ray and
pass it through the Optical Center and take the point it intersects with
the focal plane. This approximation is valid as long as the object is not
extremely close to the camera lens. the
$X$ and$x$ refer to the bases of the triangles or more explicitly the height of the point on the object and the height displacement of the ray intersecting the image plane from the optical center. - Do not forget this derived equation:
$-\frac{x}{X} = \frac{f}{Z}\Rightarrow x=-\frac{fX}{Z}$ - A final interesting point is the so-called perspective distortion. As
$Z$ is in the denominator we see that the objects shrink inversely proportionally to the distance of the object. (Further things appear smaller).
Define vanishing points and lines
- It is the point where parallel lines in an image intersect, the point at which they intersect is the vanishing point. If the vanishing lines are perfectly parallel like vertical lines then they do not intersect at a point in the real world but rather at infinity. Vanishing points may fall in or outside of the image. A vanishing plane or horizon line is the plane at which all vanishing lines intersect.
Prove that parallel lines intersect at vanishing points
- Even perfectly parallel lines will intersect at infinity so we can argue that infinity is the vanishing point hence all lines intersect at vanishing points.
Explain how to build an Ames room
- An Ames room exploits our brains assumption that the world is orthogonal. The sizes of people will change because of the perspective distortion effect but it looks so bizarre because our brain assumes that the walls are orthogonal and thus it is not distance causing the reduction in size but rather some magic size change.
Derive a relation between the field of view and the focal length
- Shrinking the FOV can allow for an increasing in focal length, this is similar to how telescopes behave. The relation is inversely proportional, a smaller FOV creates a larger focal length and vice versa.
Explain and write the equations of the perspective projection, including lens distortion and world to camera projection.
- Perspective projection allows us to consider the image plane existing in front of the lens so we can conveniently remove the leading negative sign from the equation of the pinhole approximation.
- We have two coordinate systems, world and camera. To convert between these we use rigid body transformations. Once we know the Rigid Body Transformation parameters we can work on the projecting this point on the pixel grid of our image plane.
- We use our pinhole equation to produce a coordinate for the X and Y of
the image and then aim to convert these to pixel coordinates. The origin
of the coordinate system in CV is the top left corner. In order to
convert our
$x$ and$y$ values we multiply with some$k$ which is the meter component divided over the size of the pixel so this is kind of a rescaling coefficient or factor (pixels/meter). We give the$x$ and$y$ different$k$ values as in the past we had horizontal pixels not squares. This yields$k_ux$ and$k_vy$ . We must also calculate the optical center$u_0, v_0$ . In order to convert now to our pixel coordinate systems we must add these optical center values to our$x$ and$y$ locations. This yields$u = u_0 + k_ux$ and$v = v_0 + k_vy$ . To summarise: we take the image point in meters, multiply by a rescaling factor and then translate with respect to the shifted origin. when we re-substitute these back into our original derived equations for$x$ and$y$ whe get.$\large u_0 + \frac{k_ufX_c}{Z_c}$ and$\large v_0 + \frac{k_vfY_c}{Z_c}$ which can be further rewritten by combining$k_uf$ to$\alpha_u$ (same for$v$ ). Yielding:$\large u_0 + \frac{\alpha_uX_c}{Z_c}$ and$\large v_0 + \frac{\alpha_vY_c}{Z_c}$ - All lenses have some distortion, usually the greater the FOV the greater the distortion. A positive distortion produces a barrel distortion and a negative distortion is a pincushion distortion. Distortion tends to be radial emanating from the center. in general radial distortion is more dominant than tangential distortion.
Given an image and the associated camera pose, how would you superimpose a virtual object on the image (for example, a virtual cube). Describe the steps involved.
Normalized image coordinates and geometric explanation.
- Normalised image coordinates are obtained form standard image coordinates by premultiplying them with the inverse of K.
Describe the general PnP problem and derive the behaviour of its solutions. What’s the minimum number of points and what are the degenerate configurations?
- The PnP problem is determining the 6DoF pose of the camera with respect to the world frame from a set of 3D-2D point correspondences. It assumes the camera is already calibrated. DLT is a possible method but there are also algebraic solutions to the problem.
- 1 Point is not enough yields infinite solutions. 2 points are also not enough we get a bounded set of infinite solutions. 3 points yield us up to 4 solutions as we can now take advantage of triangulation and Carnot's theorem. This is called P3P
Explain the working principle of the P3P algorithm.What are the algebraic trigonometric equations that it attempts to solve?
Explain and derive the DLT for both 3D objects or planar grids.What is the minimum number of point correspondences it requires(for 3D objects and for planar grids)?
- DLT requires 6 points. 4 if coplanar.
- EPnP requires 4 points.
- DLT is suboptimal as it is linear algorithm that solves least squares and will be far from the true. DLT is the only option if there is no calibration. If the intrinsic parameters (calibrated) is known then we can also use DLT. EPnP is another option if the camera is calibrated, it requires a minimum of 3 points with one more for disambiguation. It works by directly solving the perspective projection equation for calibrated cameras and then leaves oyu with a polynomial with degree of 4 which will then be solved algebraically. EPnP can work for any configuration of points except when they are all collinear (same line), DLT is subject to the configuration of the 3D points. If all points are on the same plane (coplanar) then we need 4 points otherwise we need 6. EPnP is generally faster and more accurate. DLT is much worse when it comes to noise because DLT solves a linear system of equations that is very sensitive to noise. EPnP is also much faster because it is a closed form solution and can get us a solution much faster. It is also algebraic which helps.
Define central and non-central omnidirectional cameras.
- In a central omnidirectional system the inbound rays intersect at a single point on the axis of symmetry of the mirror.
What kind of mirrors ensure central projection.
- This is only really possible when the mirror only when the mirror is obtained by the revolution of a conic function (Ellipse, Parabola , etc..). Orthographic lenses allow for easier positioning of the camera under the mirror as the lens refracts the rays into the optical center. Central cameras allow us to apply standard algorithms for perspective geometry and allows us to transform image points into normalized vectors on a unit sphere. It also allows for un-warping into a perspective image.
What do we mean by normalized image coordinates on the unit sphere?
- This basically means ... The projection of an image point doesn't really matter when you have a camera. The only thing that matter is the camera is calibrated and so you know for which image point what directional vector it corresponds to. With this knowledge you can directly use the perspective equations which enables us to use the algorithms we will learn about like SFM.
Explain the differences between convolution and correlation
- Convolution computes a sum of products by sliding two signals over each other. Important to note one of the filter is flipped. This allows for associativity and commutativity.
- Correlation is the same as convolution but doesn't flip the filter. This means it doesn't enjoy the benefits of commutativity and associativity.
Explain the differences between a box filter and a Gaussian filter
- Gaussian and box filters are not sensitive to convolution vs correlation as they are symmetric.
- Box filter is a moving average filter. It is called this because all the weights are uniform.
- Gaussian filters operate exactly like the box filter but the kernel is not evenly weighted. The kernel is weighted according to a 2d gaussian function weighted heavily at the central pixel.
Explain why one should increase the size of the kernel of a Gaussian filter if 2$\sigma$ is close to the size of the kernel
- If the filter is small it becomes very truncated and has very sharp
borders. You want to pick a
$\sigma$ where the radius is at least 3x larger.
- If the filter is small it becomes very truncated and has very sharp
borders. You want to pick a
Explain when we would need a median & bilateral filter
- Median filters are good for impulse and salt and pepper noise. It is a bit computationally demanding as you need to sort each string and computer the median element to replace the center pixel. Disadvantages include flattening of weak edges creating cartoonish images. Not appropriate for gaussian noise.
- Bilateral filters are more modern. The problem with gaussian filters is that they do not preserve strong edges. Median filters preserves strong edges but removes weak edges. Gaussian filters smooth everything uniformly, independently of the image content. Bilateral filters do a content dependant Gaussian smoothing. Each patch is smoothed by a filter multiplied by an adaptive function that is based on how similar the pixels are. The more similar pixels in a patch the more Gaussian smoothing, in presence of discontinuity (sharp pixel differences)smoothing is not performed.
Explain how to handle boundary issues
- There are many approaches, such as zero padding (border of 0 val pixels), You can also apply wrap around methods which avoids the sharp edges caused by zero padding. There are other similar approaches like edge mirroring and copying.
Explain the working principle of edge detection with a
$1D$ signal- The first derivative of the signal is taken and then we search for local extrema. This yields the edges of the image.
Explain how noise does affect this procedure
- When taking the derivative of the signal the derivative of the noise can dominate he actual signal (especially in low light). To circumvent this we first soothe the image with a low pass filter such as a gaussian filter.
Explain the differential property of convolution
Show how to compute the first derivative of an image intensity function along
$x$ and$y$ - Convolving an image with the first derivative of a Gaussian filter:
$\frac{\partial G_\sigma}{\partial x}$ $\frac{\partial G_\sigma}{\partial x}$ Gaussian filter. -
$\frac{\partial I}{\partial x} = I *\frac{\partial G_\sigma}{\partial x}$ Convolution$x$ -
$\frac{\partial I}{\partial y} = I *\frac{\partial G_\sigma}{\partial y}$ Convolution$y$
- Edge strength:
$|\nabla I| = \sqrt{(\frac{\partial I}{\partial x})^2 + (\frac{\partial I}{\partial y})^2}$
- Gradient direction:
$\theta = \arctan_2(\frac{\partial I}{\partial y},)(\frac{\partial I}{\partial x})$
- Convolving an image with the first derivative of a Gaussian filter:
Explain why the Laplacian of Gaussian operator is useful
- Look at thinning section of Canny edge.
List the properties of smoothing and derivative filters
Illustrate the Canny edge detection algorithm
- The input image is first made greyscale using the mean of the RGB values.
- Next we convolve the image with the first derivative of a gaussian filter. We compute the edge strength.
- Next we perform thresholding were we set all pixels below a certain threshold to zero. This global thresholding should allow us to only retain the values of an edge strength above a certain threshold
- The last step is thinning. Here we are looking for local maxima. We do this by computing the directional derivative, Canny proposed to do this perpendicular to the edge. This is done by taking the directional derivative of the edge string in the direction of the gradient. This is equivalent to looking for the zero crossing along the direction perpendicular to the edge. This is actually the same as convoluting our image with the Laplacian of Gaussian operator.
Explain what non-maxima suppression is and how it is implemented
- Non-maxima suppression is implemented in order to ...
Explain what is template matching and how it is implemented
- Template matching finds locations in an image that are similar to a template. We use cross-correlation like with filters but without rotating the filter. This gives us the greatest correlation at the point where the template overlapped the feature.
Explain what are the limitations of template matching. Can you use it to recognize cars.
- View point changes (rotation, translation), scale changes, changes to backgrounds will all create issues. Match filters need to really match! Only works if scale orientation, illumination and appearance of the template are very similar including the background.
Illustrate the similarity metrics SSD,SAD, NCC, and Census transform
What is the intuitive explanation behind SSD and NCC
Explain what are good features to track. In particular, can you explain what are corners and blobs together with their pros and cons. How is their localization accuracy?
- Good features are locally distinct and
Explain the Harris corner detector. In particular:
Use the Moravec definition of corner, edge and flat region.
- Moravec uses SSD and a sliding kernel to compute differences and search for intensity changes in relation to direction. No change indicates a flat region a change in one direction indicates an edge and a change in two directions indicates a corner.
Show how to get the second moment matrix from the definition of SSD and first order approximation (show that this is a quadratic expression) and what is the intrinsic interpretation of the second moment matrix using an ellipse?
What is the M matrix like for an edge, for a flat region, for an axis-aligned 90-degree corner and for a non-axis—aligned 90-degree corner?
- For a flat region it should be all zeros. In the diagonal it should be 1,0 or 0,1 for a corner we would have ones in the diagonals.
What do the eigenvalues of M reveal?
- The existence of corners.
Can you compare Harris detection with Shi-Tomasi detection?
Can you explain whether the Harris detector is invariant to illumination or scale changes? Is it invariant to view point changes?
- It is invariant to illumination changes as it uses a zero mean SSD, it is also invariant to view point changes as the eigenvalues are not effected by rotation. It is not however scale invariant.
- Affine illumination: Derivatives are invariant by definition to constant illumination changes. Also when scaled linearly will also rescale the eigen values.
- It is also invariant to monotonic illumination changes as they are Harris relies of local maxima.
- Viewpoint invariance: It depends on the degree of the viewpoint change, for small view point changes it may work but in general it is not view point invariant.
What is the repeatability of the Harris detector after rescaling by a factor of 2?
- 18% of the correspondences are matched.
How does automatic scale selection work?
- It works by assigning each feature it's own scale size. Brute force
scaling has a complexity of
$N^2S^2$ which is brutal. We select an appropriate scale by computing a function around each candidate feature. We compute this function for increasing sizes. We rescale the image arbitrarily and compute the same function. The local maxima of the function can be used for computing the scale. We do this a priori, before matching.
- It works by assigning each feature it's own scale size. Brute force
scaling has a complexity of
What are the good and the bad properties that a function for automatic scale selection should have or not have?
- For convenience has one local maxima.
- Multiple extrema can mean that the same feature can be assigned multiple scales. But we can handle this. Having no extrema is bad for automatic scale selection. A good function is a function that highlights sharp intensity changes. The zero crossing i.e. LoG kernel is known to be a very ideal function for this purpose.
How can we implement scale invariant detection efficiently? (show that we can do this by resampling the image vs rescaling the kernel).
What is a feature descriptor? (patch of intensity value vs histogram of oriented gradients). How do we match descriptors?
- Patch descriptor is patch of intensity values (integers) around a candidate feature, the census feature is a transformation of binary values of the intensity values around the candidate feature.
- HoG descriptors are a function of the gradient of the patch. The image is divided into a grid of cells and for each cell the histogram of gradient directions is compiled. These are then combined into a HOG descriptor. Different to intensity and census descriptors this HOG descriptor contains float values. HOG is a 1D vector.
How is the keypoint detection done in SIFT and how does this differ from Harris?
- Harris uses the SSD metric which is thresholded where as SIFT uses a DoG approach and looks for local extrema in both scale and space. It compares each pixel to 26 neighbouring pixels one scale level above and below (kernel size 3x3)
How does SIFT achieve orientation invariance?
- Multiply the patch with a Gaussian filter and compute the dominant orientation by computing the HOG. This allows us to derotate the patch into a canonical orientation.
How is the SIFT descriptor built?
- To make it invariant to linear illumination changes we must divide the descriptor by it's norm. This is basically the energy of the signal and makes the descriptor have an effective norm of 1. This makes it invariant to linear and additive illumination changes.
- One disadvantage of SIFT is that it is quite computationally complex.
- There are 12 parameters to SIFT. The source code was never released, but there are many many popular reimplementations, thought the binaries to the original SIFT have been released.
- An interesting points is that DoG is very different from the canny edge detection conversation, there we use LoG to find the zero crossings which are sort of the valleys between adjacent local maxima. Very different from what we are doing with SIFT.
- A SIFT descriptor has 128 dimensions.
What is the repeatability of the SIFT detector after a rescaling of 2? And for a 50 degrees’ viewpoint change?
- SIFT should be scale invariant. At a 50 degree view point change repeatability also drops to 50%.
Illustrate the 1st to 2nd closest ratio of SIFT detection: what’s the intuitive reasoning behind it? Where does the 0.8 factor come from?
- if a feature is very distinctive it should only map to one feature and the second closest descriptor should be quite far apart other wise it is not distinctive. We use the ratio of the distance between the nearest and second nearest descriptors. The inventor of SIFT found experimentally that 0.8 was the best threshold. This was tested by comparing incorrect and correct matches on 40K images with known ground truths. He then built a probability density function for correct and incorrect matches and found a threshold of 0.8 was the area that minimised the areas of the PDF functions.
How does the FAST detector work? What are its pros and cons compared with Harris?
- Features from Accelerated Segment Test, It is suboptimal compared to Harris.
- It checks a ring of 16 pixels and checks N contiguous pixels and checks if they are all brighter or darker certain threshold compared to the middle pixel. N is typically set at 12.
- FAST is very sensitive to image noise, if only one pixel is corrupted by noise the whole test will fail. This is especially possible in low light.
Can you relate Structure from Motion to 3D reconstruction? What’s their difference?
- In 3d reconstruction it is assumed that K,T, R are all know. The goal is to recover 3D structure from images. in SFM we have no camera assumptions we are interested in recovering both the scene structure and the camera poses from multiple images.
Can you define disparity in both the simplified and the general case?
- Disparity is the horizontal distance between two corresponding points. Disparity reduces with distance.
Can you provide a mathematical expression of depth as a function of the baseline, the disparity and the focal length?
Can you apply error propagation to derive an expression for depth uncertainty and express it as a function of depth? How can we improve the uncertainty
- We have bf on the denominator, we need to maximise the baseline or the focal length.
Can you analyze the effects of a large/small baseline? Can you illustrate it with a sketch?
What is the closest depth that a stereo camera can measure?
- The intersection of the cones from the camera center to image edge.
Are you able to show mathematically how to compute the intersection of two lines (linearly and non-linearly)?
What is the geometric interpretation of the linear and non-linear approaches and what error do they minimize?
- The want to minimise the sum of squared differences of the reprojection error.
Are you able to provide a definition of epipole, epipolar line and epipolar plane?
- The norm of the plane is the epipolar line in c2
Are you able to draw the epipolar lines for two converging cameras, for a forward motion situation, and for a side-moving camera?
- Focus of expansion is what happens for forward motion, it is like a star emanating from the center.
Are you able to define stereo rectification and to derive mathematically the rectifying homographies?
How is the disparity map computed?
- A disparity map is computed by computing the corresponding match for every single pixel on the left image and then computing the disparity of these corresponding edges. This is then visualised asa greyscale image with lighter being closer and darker being further.
How can we establish stereo correspondences with sub pixel accuracy?
Describe one or more simple ways to reject outliers in stereo correspondences.
Is stereo vision the only way of estimating depth information? If not, are you able to list alternative options?(make link to other lectures of course)
What's the minimum number of correspondences required for calibrated SFM and why?
- In SFM it is not possible to recover the absolute scale, it is however possible in stereo vision as the RT parameters are known ahead of time.
- 5 image correspondences (Kruppa 1913)
Are you able to derive the epipolar constraint?
- The epipolar constraint applies when you have two camera views. The constraint says since there is a plane for three points this plane will intersect the camera planes into two lines called epipolar lines. The corresponding of c1 must lay on the epipolar line in c2. Another way to formulate this would be to say that the two corresponding image vectors p1,p2 and the baseline (translation vector) must all be co-planar.
Are you able to define the essential matrix?
- The essential matrix describes the relation between stereo cameras using
point correspondence. It shows the relationship between corresponding
points in two Calibrated stereo cameras. It is equal to the product
skew of
$T$ multiplied by$R$ . - It is useful to decompose in order to get the rotation and translation.
- The essential matrix describes the relation between stereo cameras using
point correspondence. It shows the relationship between corresponding
points in two Calibrated stereo cameras. It is equal to the product
skew of
Are you able to derive the 8-point algorithm?
- The 8 point algorithm assumes that all entries of the essential matrix are independent to each other. This means it's not as optimal but it is similar to the assumption made in DLT. The 5 point DOES NOT make this assumption. To compensate we can use reprojection error minimisation. The minimum number of points required is 8 so the matrix is rank 8 to get a non trivial solution. If you have more than 8 points we have to use least squares approximation. This minimises the sum of square residuals.
- The five point algorithm also works for planar configurations.
- the 8 point algorithm applies to both calibrated and uncalibrated cameras whereas the 5 point can only be applied to calibrated cameras.
- The
$Q$ matrix should have rank 8 so as to have a unique and non trivial solution. - The degenerate configuration is when all 8 3D points are coplanar.
- The error for 8 points will be zero but it is important to note that below 8 points we will not notice the effects of noise which are ever present.
How many rotation-translation combinations can the essential matrix be decomposed into?
- It yields four possible solutions, two of the views are flipped 180 degrees around the optical axis. There is only really one viable solution as only one solution has the points projecting in front of the cameras.
Are you able to provide a geometrical interpretation of the epipolar constraint?
Are you able to describe the relation between the essential and the fundamental matrix?
Why is it important to normalize the point coordinates in the 8-point algorithm?
- The range of values in the essential matrix are massive.
Describe one or more possible ways to achieve this normalization.
- Hartley proposed to rescale the image coordinates so that they fit in a range of [-1,1]. This can be achieved by dividing by the W x H of the image over the range and then shifting the pixel coordinates.
- Normalisation is also possible by projecting onto a unit sphere.
Are you able to describe the normalized 8-point algorithm?
Are you able to provide quality metrics for the essential matrix estimation?
Why do we need RANSAC?
- To remove outliers.
What is the theoretical maximum number of combinations to explore?
After how many iterations can RANSAC be stopped to guarantee a given success probability?
- We can try to probabilistically determine the number of inliers in the image. A safe estimate if unable to use a guess is to use 50% of the data.
$w$ can specify the number of inliers,$w^2$ is the probability that two points are inliers. It follows that$1-w^2$ represents the probability that one of these points is an outlier. We can further argue that if we did$k$ iterations then we can say that the probability of not being able to select two inliers after$k$ iterations is$(1-w^2)^k$ . This would mean that if we supply a success probability$p$ as mentioned above the over all probability of failure would be$1-p$ and based on our definition above this would mean that this is also equal to$(1-w^2)^k$ . If we solve for$k$ by inverting the function we get:$\large k = \frac{\log(1-p)}{\log(1-w^2)}$
What is the trend of RANSAC vs. iterations, vs. the fraction of outliers, vs. the number of points to estimate the model?
How do we apply RANSAC to the 8-point algorithm, DLT, P3P?
- Example: SFM
- We need to know what the model is in SFM?
- The model is the fundamental or the essential matrix.
- Decomposition of the matrix also means R and T are a model.
- These two basically mean the same thing.
- What are the minimum number of points?
- 5 points is the theoretical minimum, it also depends on the type of solver to estimate the essential matrix. If we use the same solver from the 8 point algorithm we use 8 points.
- How do we compute the distance of a point from the model in other
words how do we define a distance metric that measures how well a
point fits the model.
- Algebraic error
- Directional error
- Epipolar line distance
- Reprojection error
- We need to know what the model is in SFM?
- 8-point RANSAC:
- Select at random 8 point correspondences
- Apply the fundamental matrix estimation and we compute the matrix.
- The error any of the four above will be zero for those 8 points but non zero for others.
- We compute for example the Epipolar line distance for all the other points and discard all the points that are below a certain threshold.
- We reiterate all of the above for k times. After k times we select
the set with the largest number of inliers.
- If we assume 50% outliers and 99% success probability it requires 1177 iterations.
- 5-point RANSAC would gave 145 iterations
- 2-point RANSAC line fitting would require 16 iterations.
- Example: SFM
How can we reduce the number of RANSAC iterations for the SFM problem? (1-and 2-point RANSAC)
- We can apply some motion constraints. For example if we have a floor
bound robot we have a planar motion and do not thus require 6 DoF, 3
is sufficient. This allows us to built different
$[R|T]$ matrices. - In the case of a train moving on a rail (line motion) we don't need any points as we already have the geometry.
- Circular planar motion requires one point.
- We can apply some motion constraints. For example if we have a floor
bound robot we have a planar motion and do not thus require 6 DoF, 3
is sufficient. This allows us to built different
Bundle Adjustment and Pose Graph Optimization. Mathematical expressions and illustrations. Pros and cons.
- 2 View bundle adjustment optimises
$P^i, R, T$ by minimising the sum of squared reprojection errors. - Key difference between this and standard reprojection error minimisation as in camera pose estimation in SFM. The key difference is in SFM we were only optimising over the relative rotation and translation whereas here we are interested in optimising also over the 3D point positions.
- It's called bundle adjustment because we are perturbing bundles of rays of the projections into the cameras so that they intersect.
- Pose Graph optimisation: VO is sometimes described as a directed graph with translations as the edges. This however doesn't paint the full picture as there are features that may be observed in multiple states. Pose Graph optimisation seeks to take into account not just adjacent state transformations but also transformations from 2 or 3 or 4 frames ago.
- BA the error is usually the reprojection error where as in PGO the error is the pose error. BA is more accurate but has many many more parameters to optimise.
- In motion only bundle adjustment we do not adjust the back projected rays, the 3d points are fixed. We only adjust the camera pose.
- 2 View bundle adjustment optimises
Are you able to describe hierarchical and sequential SFM for monocular VO?
- We extract and match features between two nearby frames. We the build clusters consisting of 2 nearby frames. We then extract the topological tree. We then start at the leaves and merge the nodes by running 3 point RANSAC.
- In monocular we are using 2D points on the plane, for this case we can convert to 3D by using PNP or DLT algorithms. This is because we are localising the camera with respect to the point cloud.
What are key frames? Why do we need them and how can we select them?
- The first key frame is typically the camera. The second key frame is selected based on an algorithm. For example if we want to do SFM and we have a very small movement (small baseline motion) we will introduce a lot of errors if we don't pick a keyframe with enough parallax to accurately triangulate correspondences.
- Key frame selection is not required for stereo vision.
Are you able to define loop closure detection? Why do we need loops?
- It allows for global optimisations as the first and last points can be added to the post graph optimisation. This will give us an optimisation for the entire trajectory. We do need to recognise all possible loop closures. Typically done in separate thread and not performed in real time.
Are you able to provide a list of the most popular open source VO and VSLAM algorithms?
Are you able to describe the differences between feature-based methods and direct methods?
- Indirect methods estimate the motion between the current and previous frames by minimising the reprojection error. Direct methods on the other hand do not perform feature extraction and RANSAC. Instead they focus on minimising the Photometric error. Direct methods assume the current and previous frames are not too far apart. This means that two images are overlapping by at most one or two pixels. This allows us to apply differential methods. It is called Photometric methods because we are dealing directly with pixel intensity values.
- Indirect, Can cope with large frame to frame motions but are expensive.
- Direct, Much faster, more information but very sensitive to initial value.
Sparse vs semi-dense vs dense. What are their pros and cons?
- The amount of pixels used is not used does not really matter as long as a reasonably good overlap (basin of convergence) is kept. Outside of this basin sparse drops quickly but dense and semi dense behave similarly because weak gradients do not provide much info. The only advantage of dense methods is when having defocus, motion blur or weak textures. The main point is that sparse methods operate basically as good as dense and semi dense as long as a good overlap is kept.
General definition of VO and comparison with respect VSLAM and SFM. Definition of loop closure detection (why do we need loops?). How can we detect loop closures? (make link to other lectures).
- Loop closures can be achieved by revisiting features seen before.
- Evaluation of VO and SLAM can be done by comparing to "ground truth" obtained from IMU or GPS or similar tracking setups. A Naive approach is to compare the first event of the estimation and the ground truth are compared and to provide an initial state. The estimate is rescaled according to the difference. This has a number of draw backs as repeatability of the estimation may be subject to change if non deterministic algorithms like RANSAC are used. Multi threaded implementations can also produce different estimations from the same dataset. A more modern approach is the Absolute Trajectory Error which compares all ground truth positions to estimated positions. The estimation is then aligned according to the position error. Once this is computed, the Root Mean Square Error can be used to provide a global optimisation. An even better approach is to do Relative Trajectory Error, where the idea is not to output a single metric but to output a box plot. The realignment is done in segments of poses rather than globally.
- 🥳
Are you able to illustrate tracking with block matching?
- Block based methods define a search region (similar to a Kernel), this is usually 25 x 25 pixels. Next the patch to track (smaller patch) is selected in the first image. Then we run an SSD over the search region in the second image and look for the patch that minimises the SSD.
Are you able to explain the underlying assumptions behind differential methods, derive their mathematical expression and the meaning of the M matrix?
- Differential methods do not shift the patch. It only looks for the shift in appearance of the same patch.between the images.
- There are three assumptions though:
- Brightness constancy
- Very low displacement, 1-2 pixels
- Spatial coherency, all the pixels in the patch undergo the same motion
- Usually to meet these assumptions the patch is made very small.
- We do a similar trick as in the Harris detector and express the first term
of the SSD as a first order approximation. This allows us to rewrite the
equation as a quadratic equation,yielding us a paraboloid, Then we
minimise this by looking for the cone of the paraboloid. Finally we get
a system of linear equations. This can be solved by premultiplying he
equation by the inverse of the first matrix. This yields us
$[u,v]$ . This matrix at the end should be familiar because it is the same as the second moment matrix from Harris.
When is this matrix invertible and when not?
- It's determinant must be larger than zero. This can be done by diagonalising and decomposing the matrix into a product of a rotation matrix, the eigen values and another rotation matrix.
What is the aperture problem and how can we overcome it?
- When we can no longer tell where the template has moved.
What is optical flow?
- Optical flow is tracking of every single pixel in the image that can be tracked. There are two ways to visualise this. As errors or alternatively as a colour coded map.
Can you list pros and cons of block-based vs. differential methods for tracking?
- Block based methods work well if the motion is large though this could be computationally demanding.
- This method can me implemented much more efficiently using differential methods when the motion is small.
Are you able to describe the working principle of KLT?
- We start of with a template and we want to find the corresponding
template in the original image. We use the original warp parameters to
generate the warped image. We compute the difference which gives us the
error. We then compute the gradients with respect to
$x$ and$y$ and we apply the warping to the gradients. We also calculate the jacobian of the warp which is 2n x 6n. We then combine these into a pointwise product with the jacobian. The warped gradient image of the x is multiplied to the top slot of the jacobian and the y gradient to the bottom. We do this for every column. What we get out is a n x 6n term. This is then contracted with the error by successively multiplying the error terms with every image from the jacobian multiplication. This yields us 6 numbers. Additionally we use the jacobian multiplication term in the computation of the hessian. This allows us to compute the update$\Delta p$ which are added to the original warp parameters. We then repeat these iterations till we obtain a satisfiably small$\Delta p$ .
- We start of with a template and we want to find the corresponding
template in the original image. We use the original warp parameters to
generate the warped image. We compute the difference which gives us the
error. We then compute the gradients with respect to
What functional does KLT minimize?(proof won’t be asked, only the first two slides titled “derivation of the Lucas-Kanade algorithm”)
- KLT is minimising the sum of square distances between the template and image to estimate the warping parameters.
- KLT summarises the SSD iteratively.
- We use an initial estimate of
$p$ and want to increment the$\Delta p$ that minimises the SSD. - We differentiate with respect to
$/\Deltap$ and set the equation equal to zero. Also then setting the derivative to zero.
What is the Hessian matrix and for which warping function does it coincide to that used for point tracking?
- It is the second moment matrix that is computed by summing the outer product of the gradient of y and the jacobian of w.
Can you list Lukas-Kanade failure cases and how to overcome them?
- If the displacement is too large between template and image KLT fails.
- The assumptions do not hold. So illumination changes. Maybe the mathematical model doesn't work for example we might not have a rigid body.
- Another possibility is occlusions.
- The pyramidal approach can help us not have a very inaccurate initial
$p$ estimation. The p value is then passed down the levels of the pyramid and refined.
How do we get the initial guess?
- Typically we will be given an image with the template defined. We will initialise the parameter p to be an identity matrix and an additional translation matrix that translates the top left corners.
Illustrate alternative tracking using point features.
Are you able to describe the multi-view stereo working principle? (aggregated photometric error)
- We try to make correspondences by choosing our first image as the reference and then trying to find the corresponding point by looking along the epipolar line of the first image (as all the intrinsics and extrinsics are known) and trying to minimise the photometric error for different candidate depths. In the end we sum all these plots of the photometric errors and we are able to do this as the d value is consistent as all the plots compare from the same reference image. This sum is called the aggregated photometric cost. It's the pixel wise SSD of each image compared to the reference image. This will yield a three dimensional array. Typically it is represented in a Disparity Space Image.
What are the differences in the behaviour of the aggregated photometric error for corners, flat regions, and edges?
- For a flat region there is no distinct peak.
- For a flat corner we get a distinctive negative peak.
- For an edge it there is a distinct flat valley.
- If the edge is perpendicular to the direction of motion then it could be possible to get a distinct peak.
What is the disparity space image (DSI) and how is it built in practice?
How do we extract the depth from the DSI?
How do we enforce smoothness (regularization) and how do we incorporate depth discontinuities (mathematical expressions)?
- We use a lambda value and a regularisation term that suppresses jumps or
discontinuities that are revealed by the derivatives of
$d(u,v)$ .
- We use a lambda value and a regularisation term that suppresses jumps or
discontinuities that are revealed by the derivatives of
What happens if we increase lambda (the regularization term)? What if lambda is 0? And if lambda is too big?
- Increasing Lambda puts a veil a long a noisy point cloud. But the problem is we are smoothing over discontinuities and filling in holes so to say.
- Lambda has to be estimated. We make lambda according to image gradients. If we have a strong gradient we don't won’t to smooth but if we have a weak gradient we probably want to smooth. Strong gradients aka edges are not always indicators of depth discontinuities but are a good estimation nonetheless. A simple example of this failing would be a picture of a picture. The algorithm would assume the edges of the nested picture are a depth discontinuity but this is not the case. This is where semantic and learning models can improve results.
What is the optimal baseline for multi-view stereo?
- Smaller 10% of the ration between the motion and the depth. Basically the motion is very small. With a smaller baseline the patch will appear similar in different views where as with a large baseline it may be easier to triangulate but the appearance will be different.
What are the advantages of GPUs?
- GPU allows the calculation in parallel of thousands of calculations. This is done through the utilisation of thousands of small cores.
What is an inverted file index?
- It is inspired by text retrieval. In text retrieval a voting scheme is used to build a score to retrieve a text string. The cells are like the pages in the book and each cell is incremented as a query word appears in a page. The highest voted page is selected.
What is a visual word?
- A visual world is a cluster of similar SIFT descriptors. The images of the database are all processed and about 1000 features are extracted from each image. Then we take all these descriptors and map them into a 128 dimension descriptor space. We then map these dots and observe that some features are clustered and close by. So what we can do is group features in sets of similar descriptors by doing partitioning. This is achieved using K-Means clustering. Each of these clusters are sets of similar sift descriptors. A visual word is the arithmetic average of all the SIFT descriptors within the same cluster.
How does K-means clustering work?
- K-means clustering allows us to partition a space into a cluster such that all the dots within a cluster minimise the sum of squared distances from the centroid of the cluster. This algorithm does have a random component so the results can vary slightly. It is an iterative algorithm. It starts with a seed of three features which are randomly chosen, the first step associates to each random seed all the closest features. Then we compute the centroid of these elementary clusters. The next step is to rerun the associations, reassociate the computed centroid to what ever features are around it and recompute the centroid. After some point the centroid will not move beyond a certain threshold. Once this is satisfied we can say that this cluster is a visual word.
Why do we need hierarchical clustering?
- Because comparing every feature to every word in the vocabulary is still impractical runtime wise.
Explain and illustrate image retrieval using Bag of Words.
- Once the feature space is clustered, we identify a unique usually numerical identifier to each visual word. This is called a vocabulary and it contains a pointer to a list of images where that visual word appeared.
- We build a voting array with as many cells as images in the db, we initialise all these cells to zero. Next we look up each sift feature in the query image in the vocabulary. We compute the euclidean distance between each feature of the query image to each feature in the vocabulary and choose the one wih the lowest distance. Then we take the list of images that closest match pointed to and use it to increment our voting array. The problem is having to do 1,000,000 comparisons for each SIFT feature of which we might have a 1000. This would take 3 hours. What you do in fact is weight the voting by the inverse of the frequency of the word. More repeated words vote less. But this doesn't get us hour 3 hours back. We need to use hierarchical clustering. The idea is to partition the feature space hierarchically in a coarse to fine manner. We create partitions of the feature space. Then incrementally partition each subcluster creating more subclusters. We do this until we reach the desired number of visual words. A million in our case. The we can link all the visual words as a tree along the partition lines. Now when we have a query image we don't compare it with the terminal vertices, we compare with the parents and their children and eventually the terminal nodes.
Discussion on place recognition: what are the open challenges and what solutions have been proposed?
- Illumination changes, seasonal changes, appearance changes.
- Probabilistic approaches have been suggested for instance by a group from Oxford. More recent approaches use semantics using deep learning. They focus on high level features and not primitive features like points.
Why is it recommended to use an IMU for Visual Odometry?
- Monocular vision is scale ambiguous. We cannot estimate the magnitude of the translation but only its directions. With an IMU you can get the position displacement and use it to scale the SFM.
- Pure vision is not robust enough, things like HDR, blue and low texture cause issues for cameras.
Why not just an IMU, without a camera?
- Pure IMU will lead to a large drift. We need a double integration of the acceleration to get position. Because of this double integration any bias we get will be quadratic.
How does a MEMS IMU work?
- A silicone spring connects a seismic mass vibrating in a capacityive divider. A capacitive divider converts the displacement of the seismic mass into an electric signal. Damping is achieved by gas sealed in the device.
What is the drift of an industrial IMU?
- 10x less than consumer IMUs. 3.9k kilometres in an hour.
What is the IMU measurement model?
- It measures along three axis for angular velocity using a gyroscope.
- It also measures linear acceleration along the three axis' using an accelerometer
What causes the bias in an IMU?
- Any acceleration bias which is considered constant would be quadratically increased overtime as a result of the double integration required to compute position.
How do we model the bias?
- You can model it as drift in meters over time using the error propagation formula.
- We model the noise by saying the first derivative of the bias is a
zero-mean Gaussian noise with standard deviation
$\sigma_b$ . - Bias changes between every use of the device. Things like temperature and pressure can change the bias, the bias should be re-estimated before every use unless the VO pipeline has some live bias estimation.
How do we integrate the acceleration to get the position (formula)?
- We use a double integration to get the position.
What is the definition of loosely coupled and tightly coupled visual inertial fusions?
Loosely Coupled:
- Treats VO and IMU as two separate not coupled black boxes.
- It takes images as input, extract features and feed them to a standard VO algorithms like SVO or ORBSLAM and then the output is the position and orientation of the camera in space.
- The loosely coupled approach ignores the landmarks (features)
- All it does is fuse the camera position and the IMU position for example with a Kalman filter, it uses weighted averages.
- The main problem is that we are not using the IMU to change the VO. This could aid in identification of features.
Tightly Coupled:
- The fusion box takes as input raw 3d features for example from KLT and also as input the raw IMU measurement. Then it tries to estimate the correct the position, orientation and velocity by collecting all the information in an optimal way.
How can we use non-linear optimization-based approaches to solve for visual inertial fusion?
- Non linear methods fuse inertial and visual methods by solving a non linear optimisation problem. Basically by minimising a cost function. Non linear optimisations represents the VIO problem as a graph problem where we want to find the graph configuration with minimum energy. Minimising the position and reprojection errors.
Can you write down the cost function of smoothing methods and illustrate its meaning?
What is a DVS and how does it work?
- It is a sensor that outputs pixel wise changes in illumination. It does not have a frame rater or global shutter. It pixel level events asynchronously.
What are its pros and cons vs. standard cameras?
- Much higher temporal resolution
- Much higher dynamic range
- Much better resistance to motion blur
- Cannot output much in texture-less scenes or when static.
- Standard algorithms are hard to apply to events.
Can we apply standard camera calibration techniques?
- The standard pinhole model is still valid.
- Standard passive calibration models cannot be used. We don't necessarily get a full image with an event camera.
- We have to be constantly moving the reference pattern in order to generate events. One good solution is to use blinking patterns or an led pattern to calibrate cameras.
How can we compute optical flow with a DVS?
- A very simple approach for pure horizontal motion could be to represent the events in space time. It will appear as a ramp. The optical flow can be computed as the change in x over the change in time.
Could you intuitively explain why we can reconstruct the intensity?
- Through gradient map estimation intensity estimations can be obtained
using Poisson reconstruction. We use the equation
$\pm C = - \nabla L \cdot u$ where$u$ represents the rotation. Knowing the$-\nabla L$ from the gradient estimation and estimating the rotation will help us to solve for the$C$ value which would allow us to rebuild the pixel intensities.
- Through gradient map estimation intensity estimations can be obtained
using Poisson reconstruction. We use the equation
What is the generative model of a DVS (formula)?Can you derive its 1st order approximation?
- The generative model for events is based on the change in light intensity are a particular pixel above a certain threshold.
- We derive a first order approximation to try and explain this idea of event generation not existing when moving parallel to and edge but rather perpendicular motions produce events.
- Using the brightness constancy assumption the intensity value of a
$p$ should be the same before and after motion. - The final derived formula shows that maximum generation of the events occurs when the motion is perpendicular to the edge.
What is a DAVIS sensor?
- A DAVIS sensor fuses standard cameras, event cameras and an IMU.
What is the focus maximization framework and how does it work? What is its advantage compared with the generative model?
- The advantage to the generative model is that we don't have to keep recalculating an ever changing and pixel dependent C value.
- The algorithm warps events according to the direction of motion that generated those events. The events are initially warped according to some warping functions, this is only affecting the x,y coordinates not the time. After each warping we aggregate all the events on the x,y plane to generate a greyscale image. We do this at ever iteration and apply a different warping at every iteration. What we want to maximise is the contrast or focus of this image. The contrast or focus can be obtained from the variance of the image.
How can we get color events
- The DAVIS 346 is an example of a coloured event camera that outputs RGB events, this is done by adding a bayer pattern on top of the pixels so some pixels will output red, green or blue. Basically to reconstruct by doing a separate greyscale reconstruction for each separate colour channel and combine them with the help of some interpolation.
Summarize the building blocks of a visual odometry (VO) or visual SLAM (VSLAM) algorithm.
Augmented reality (AR) is a view of a physical scene augmented by computer-generated sensory inputs, such as data or graphics. Suppose you want to design an augmented reality system that super-imposes text labels to the image of real physical objects. Summarize the building blocks of an AR algorithm.
Suppose that your task is to reconstruct an object from different views. How do you proceed?
Building a panorama stitching application. Summarize the building blocks.
How would you design a mobile tourist app? The user points the phone in the direction of a landmark and the app displays tag with the name of it. How would you implement it?
Assume that we have several images downloaded from flicker showing the two towers of Grossmünster. Since such images were uploaded by different persons they will have different camera parameters (intrinsic and extrinsic), different lighting, different resolutions and so on. If you were supposed to create a 3D model of Grossmünster, what kind of approach would you use? Can you get a dense 3D model or it will be a sparse one? Please explain the pipeline that you propose for this scenario.
Assume that you move around a statue with a camera and take pictures in a way that the statue is not far from the camera and always completely visible in the image. If you were supposed to find out where the pictures were taken, what would you do with the images? What kind of approach would you use? Since the camera motion is around the statue, the images contain different parts of the statue. How do you deal with this problem?
Suppose that you have two robots exploring an environment, explain how the robots should localize themselves and each other with respect to the environment? What are the alternative solutions?