Please use the table of contents located at the root if you wish to navigate Walkthroughs
# Clone
$ git clone
# Pull
$ git checkout main
$ git pull --rebase origin main
$ git checkout -b NameOfYourWalkthrough
Step 3: Create a new directory for your Walkthrough and copy the contents of the Example folder to it:
$ cd ./WhaleSongs/Walkthroughs
$ mkdir NameOfYourWalkthrough
$ cp -R ./Example/. ../NameOfYourWalkthrough/.
$ cd ..
$ ${your editor} .
Step 5: Add your Walkthrough to the table of contents in alphabetical order and with a relative link:
* [Walkthroughs](./Walkthroughs/)
- [Enable Remote Logging with Splunk](/Walkthroughs/EnableRemoteLoggingWithSplunk/)
- [Enabling Virtulization Framework on macOS](/Walkthroughs/EnablingVirtualizationOnMacOS/)
- [Monitoring Docker Desktop with Grafana](./Walkthroughs/MonitoringWithGrafana/)
- [Understanding Docker Logs](/Walkthroughs/UnderstandingDockerLogs/)
- [Understanding Where Scout Sends Data](/Walkthroughs/ScoutDataTransmission/)
+ - [Title of Your Walkthrough](/Walkthroughs/NameOfYourWalkthrough/)
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "Add NameOfYourWalkthrough Walkthrough"
$ git push origin NameOfYourWalkthrough