OpenLayers sources for qgis-js
qgis-js Repository | qgis-js Website | "@qgis-js/ol
" package source
⚠️ 🧪 Work in progress! Currently this project is in public beta
This package requires OpenLayers
to be installed as a peer dependency -
The qgis-js package is also required as a direct dependency of this package
- An instance of the qgis-js runtime has to be created at runtime and its API must be passed to the OpenLayers source constructor
npm install -S @qgis-js/ol
OpenLayers source for rendering a single tile with the size and pixel ratio of the ol map canvas. This is useful for rendering in the projection of the QGIS project, both in the OpenLayers view and in the qgis-js runtime.
See QgisCanvasDataSource.ts for the implementation.
OpenLayers source to render a QGIS project in the common Web Mercator projection (EPSG:3857) addressed with the xyz tile scheme. This makes it convenient to mix the QGIS layer with other layer sources provided by OpenLayers.
See QgisXYZDataSource.ts for the implementation.
This package uses SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.