- Use json files to configure options.
- Convert the json file to python dict.
- Support
comments and usenull
Click for detailed explanations for each json file.
please see the example config file test
"name": "test_001_adafmnet_noise75_DIV2K"
, "suffix": null
, "model": "sr"
, "crop_size": 0 // 0 for image restoration | upscale (x2,3,4) for SR
, "gpu_ids": [0]
, "interpolate_stride": null // 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, ... for modulation testing
, "datasets": {
"test_1": { // the 1st test dataset
"name": "CBSD68"
, "mode": "LRHR"
, "dataroot_HR": "../datasets/val_CBSD68/CBSD68" // path for HR images
, "dataroot_LR": "../datasets/val_CBSD68/CBSD68_noise75" // path for LR images
, "test_2": { // the 2nd test dataset
"name": "personal_images"
, "mode": "LR"
, "dataroot_LR": "../datasets/personal_images/personal_images_noise75"
, "path": {
"root": "../"
, "pretrain_model_G": "../experiments/debug_001_adafmnet_noise75_DIV2K/models/8_G.pth" // path for the trained model
, "network_G": {
"which_model_G": "adaptive_resnet"
, "norm_type": "adafm" // basic | adafm | null | instance | batch
, "nf": 64
, "nb": 16
, "in_nc": 3
, "out_nc": 3
, "adafm_ksize": 1 // 1 | 3 | 5 | 7
for modulation testing, you should specify the interpolation stride:
, "interpolate_stride": 0.1 // 0.1 | 0.05 | 0.01
To train a basic model, please modify the train basic.
"name": "debug_001_basicmodel_noise15_DIV2K" // !!! please remove "debug_" during training
, "use_tb_logger": true // use tensorboard
, "model":"sr"
, "finetune_norm": false // whether finetune the adafm layers
, "crop_size": 0 // 0 for image restoration | upscale (x2, x3, x4) for SR
, "gpu_ids": [0] // gpu id list
, "datasets": {
"train": {
"name": "DIV2K"
, "mode": "LRHR"
, "dataroot_HR": "../datasets/DIV2K800/DIV2K800_sub" // path for HR images
, "dataroot_LR": "../datasets/DIV2K800/DIV2K800_sub_noise15" // path for LR images
, "subset_file": null
, "use_shuffle": true
, "n_workers": 8
, "batch_size": 16 // batch size
, "HR_size": 96 // crop szie for the HR image
, "use_flip": true
, "use_rot": true
, "val": {
"name": "val_CBSD68"
, "mode": "LRHR"
, "dataroot_HR": "../datasets/val_CBSD68/CBSD68" // path for HR images
, "dataroot_LR": "../datasets/val_CBSD68/CBSD68_noise15" // path for LR images
, "path": {
"root": "../" // the path root for the current experiment
// , "resume_state": "../experiments/debug_001_basicmodel_noise15_DIV2K/training_state/200.state"
, "pretrain_model_G": null // path for pretrained model
, "network_G": {
"which_model_G": "adaptive_resnet"
, "norm_type": "basic" // basic | adafm | null | instance | batch
, "nf": 64 // the number of the channel
, "nb": 16 // the number of the residual blocks
, "in_nc": 3 // the number of the input channel
, "out_nc": 3 // the number of the output channel
, "adafm_ksize": null // the filter size of adafm during finetune
, "train": {
"lr_G": 1e-4 // learning rate
, "lr_scheme": "MultiStepLR" // learning rate decay scheme
, "lr_steps": [500000] // at which steps, decay the learining rate
, "lr_gamma": 0.1 // learning rate decreases by a factor of 0.1
, "pixel_criterion": "l1" // l1 loss
, "pixel_weight": 1.0 // the weight of l1 loss
, "val_freq": 5e3 // how often do you want to do validation
, "manual_seed": 0
, "niter": 1e6 // the total number of the training iterations
, "logger": {
"print_freq": 200 // how often to log the training stats
, "save_checkpoint_freq": 5e3 // how often to save the checkpoints
To finetune the AdaFM layers in AdaFM-Net, you need at least modify the followings in train adafm.
- "name": "THE_NAME".
- "finetune_norm": true.
- the "dataroot_LR" for both "train" and "val".
, "datasets": {
"train": {
"name": "DIV2K"
, "mode": "LRHR"
, "dataroot_HR": "../datasets/DIV2K800/DIV2K800_sub"
, "dataroot_LR": "../datasets/DIV2K800/DIV2K800_sub_noise75" // path for LR images
, "subset_file": null
, "use_shuffle": true
, "n_workers": 8
, "batch_size": 16
, "HR_size": 96
, "use_flip": true
, "use_rot": true
, "val": {
"name": "val_CBSD68"
, "mode": "LRHR"
, "dataroot_HR": "../datasets/val_CBSD68/CBSD68"
, "dataroot_LR": "../datasets/val_CBSD68/CBSD68_noise75" // path for LR images
- "pretrain_model_G" for path of basic model:
"path": {
"root": "../"
, "pretrain_model_G": "../experiments/debug_001_basicmodel_noise15_DIV2K/models/1000000_G.pth" // the path for basic model
- the "norm_type" and the "adafm_ksize" in "network_G":
, "network_G": {
"which_model_G": "adaptive_resnet"
, "norm_type": "adafm" // basic | adafm | null | instance | batch
, "nf": 64
, "nb": 16
, "in_nc": 3
, "out_nc": 3
, "adafm_ksize": 1 // the filter size of adafm during finetune. 1 | 3 | 5 | 7