# Disallow QUnit.only (`qunit/no-only`) 💼 This rule is enabled in the ✅ `recommended` [config](https://github.com/platinumazure/eslint-plugin-qunit/blob/main/README.md#configurations). <!-- end auto-generated rule header --> `QUnit.only` is useful for restricting a test run to just one test while developing, but committing a test file using this function to a repository is dangerous because it will ensure that the rest of the test suite is not run. ## Rule Details The following patterns are considered warnings: ```js QUnit.module.only('Name', function() { }); QUnit.only('Name', function() { }); module.only('Name', function() { }); only('Name', function() { }); test.only('Name', function() { }); ``` The following patterns are not considered warnings: ```js QUnit.module.test('Name', function() { }); QUnit.test('Name', function() { }); module.test('Name', function() { }); test('Name', function() { }); ``` ## When Not to Use It If your development pipeline would make running this rule annoying, it could be safely disabled. However, it would be a good idea to ensure that this rule is run in continuous integration at the very least. ## Further Reading * [QUnit.only](https://api.qunitjs.com/QUnit.only/)